
John_Yossarian t1_je83hao wrote

There are a lot of reasons to do that in an intersection. For this one, I'd imagine it's because the traffic from 196 on the left is coming down a hill, and if you turn right out of Topsham Fair Mall Road, you're immediately heading uphill and accelerating slowly, so it could cause traffic issues or accidents.


John_Yossarian t1_je7r2ms wrote

It was a joke about people high on marijuana throwing axes while under the influence of the cannabis cigarettes. The joke is that the guy owns a place to get people high, a place to throw dangerous sharp axes, and also owns a place that sells things to the stoned people who lost fingers or cut off a limb while axe throwing under the influence of cannabijuana.

Imagine that your favorite corn chip manufacturer also owned the number one diarrhea medication.


John_Yossarian t1_jcgtx7z wrote

> Would've been much easier with an ESP32 or Arduino board...

That's what I came here looking for. I made an ESP32/BME680 climate sensor a few months ago and haven't gotten around to calibrating/deploying it, was hoping I could pivot and turn it into an outdoor citizen science project


John_Yossarian t1_iu6rbk1 wrote

Of all the cool things to take pics of, OP picked the worst possible photo to try to make a Shire comparison. This could be any fucking pond or lake in Maine. Don't even get me started on the post-processing, my eyes hurt too badly to keep typing.
