
Just_Michael1138 t1_j1kvd04 wrote

Glad to see someone asked the same question. From what I can figure, Nature will repeat each aeon, but with subtle changes in a fractal pattern. So one aeon, you may be asian. Another aeon, you may be white. Basically, every single infinite variation that can happen will happen. How it progresses, though, or how each change is decided, is likely beyond our ability to figure out.

Literally everything in nature is fractal. Even the universe itself. Plot out the universe from Big Bang to big contraction (at the very end when the black holes all evaporate) and repeat it--it looks like a sine wave. Just look at Banach Tarski. The universe will continue to generate an infinite number of probabilities, each and every time--forever. We had this conversation the last aeon--don't you remember? Only, I think it was on that aeon's version of Facebook. lmao


Just_Michael1138 t1_ixg2grc wrote

Mighty bold of you to assume we're not already there.

Eisenhower's warning about the Military-Industrial complex in his farewell address wasn't just pissing in the wind. There is a technocracy living among us that is at least a century ahead of our technology publicly available. Don't believe me? Read Hunt For Zero Point by Nick Cook (a Jane's Military Digest reporter, not some fly-by-night hack) in which he discusses Hans Kammeler's role as Obergrappenfuhrer (basically right under Hitler himself) for Special Projects hidden away in 20 miles of tunnel under Oberammergau--lasers, infrared tracking and interferometry, a nuclear reactor, and the Foo Fighters, which were a failed weapon designed to flame out the engines on the B-52s. This is all documented largely thanks to the Church Commission's efforts during the 1970s which uncovered most of the Operation: Paperclip's dealings, including importing 34,000+ nazi scientists (many of whom were sympathetic to the nazi cause, if not open war criminals) and hid them in academia with new identities so they could advance their racial supremacy theories about humanity while forcing the rest of us to live on crumbs.
