
KaladinsDad t1_jcpd751 wrote

Sometimes the cop cars are parked there without a cop in it.

Saves costs for the department, and gets people to slow down.

Some other states have even put dummies or mannequins in the cars to make it look like a more real possibility and get drivers to slow down, without dedicating an officer to tickets.

Also smart departments are probably avoiding traffic citations, because these always turn into national news when they "accidentally" use the gun instead of the taser on someone. Departments are probably better off dedicating officers to "real crimes".


KaladinsDad t1_jadsq44 wrote

I had no issue transferring military credits and online college credits from a NY school to the Connecticut schools.

Not **every single** credit will transfer, but most of the time, most of them do if there is an equivalent course.

UCONN is sometimes a touch more picky than ECSU, CCSU, SCSU as far as the Community college transfer agreements. But they still have a transfer agreemement.


KaladinsDad t1_ja0wfra wrote

There are some adult local leagues. Used to work in Groton and had multiple co-workers playing. This was a few years ago, but unlikely to stop.

Plenty of subbase peeps originate from hockey country like the Midwest and Great Lake states or even upstate NY and Maine.


KaladinsDad t1_j8whhtf wrote

Are you saying get rid of the state votech High Schools? Or the trade offerings at Community College?

Unfortunately the state votech schools reject people (not enough spots) so some people need trade skills after HS, and cant get it during.

High school graduates in CT are allowed to attend the CCs for free. Seems like a good benefit to get people in trades or other certification jobs.

CCs offer things like dental hygienist and medical coding and billing that the votech system does not as well.


KaladinsDad t1_j8hz4zl wrote

Certainly you get Trump flags north of Norwich pretty quickly. But yes, they still aren't as frequent or as intense as other states.

OP should just stay away from the Killingly school system. Their school board has been in the news a little too much recently for some Red state red meat type nonsense.


KaladinsDad t1_j8hypde wrote

On the other hand commutes in Florida are farther. Used to take a full 35 minutes to get to high school in FL on I-95. Driving like 75 mph.

CT is only 2 hours wide. Drive from JAX to Miami and thats like 10 hours.

What Floridians don't get is that the Merritt aint like 8-lane I-95. CT driving IS different. Heck CT I-95 isn't like FL I-95. Half the lanes and twice the traffic.


KaladinsDad t1_j8hy3ct wrote

Kids often have the choice of their regular high school, plus a few others for magnet programs, plus the state run Vocational Technical schools. The CTECS school system is selective and does reject middle schoolers applying. But at the end they have a high school diploma plus apprenticeship completed in a trade and they usually work part time senior year in their field.

Kids in my town have a choice of 11 high schools. Pretty good deal. Spending per student is also pretty decent in comparison to FL education budget.

All homes are "historic" compared to Florida (which really didnt start building in mass until after the invention of air conditioning.) But you know 1950's homes don't have anything special about them.

Really the question is Bigger City or more Country. Eastern CT is surprisingly rural, and I didn't realize that until I moved up here. You also may be limited by reasonable commute to jobs, and that may narrow things down. Southeastern CT's main employers are Pfizer, Electric Boat (and the Subbase), and the Mohegan and Foxwoods Casinos plus two hospitals. There is also a Dupont plant in there as well. But NE CT is much more sparse on major employers. Western CT has its own deal. And SW CT is basically NY to me, a non-native CT person who has lived here a little bit.


KaladinsDad t1_j6o1blj wrote

Yes, but certain vehicles might be exempt if the front design prevents them from being mounted (extremely rare)

Also if you have out-of-state plates, front plates are optional.
(common in New London county where military folks are often still out-of-state residents and can maintain their vehicles registered out-of-state. The amount of Hawaii and Florida plates is crazy in Groton.)