
Kevin_Wolf t1_j3oc12f wrote

I'm pretty sure that soaking is just a meme created to make fun of moral panics and religious stereotypes, in the same vein as rainbow parties and Jews having sex through a hole in the sheet.

In reality, Mormon teens who want to bonk will probably just bonk like everyone else does.


Kevin_Wolf t1_ivktv6o wrote

Instead of saying they confiscated 36 bitcoin, they said they confiscated 36 bitcoin worth 130000 Krona. Over the two years that the case took to go through, the value increased to 1.3 million Krona. Because they were ordered to recuperate the value of the 36 bitcoin at the time of confiscation, 3 bitcoin will be sold to cover the penalties and the rest will be given back.

The government is complaining that they should have noted the seizure value in bitcoin, not Krona. Had they done that, the 36 bitcoin would be kept by Sweden. However, because they did it the way they did, the culprits have to cough up the penalty and the state is obligated to give the rest back.


Kevin_Wolf t1_iufofoh wrote

Not really. They can doctor it up to make something kind of resembling chocolate, but it's like saying Nerds are a substitute for Sour Patch Kids. They're both sour candy, but that's about where the similarity ends.

You can't really use carob chips like you can use chocolate chips, and the taste is drier, and nuttier/earthier than chocolate. That's also not saying it's bad, it's just not chocolate.


Kevin_Wolf t1_it3ixsk wrote

>Which was killing enough people that the nearby prison had to shut down; inmates kept dropping dead.

Which "nearby prison" are you talking about? As far as I can see, all of Kern County's prisons that have been open for years are still open. Kern has 5 or 6 state prisons. If one prison had inmates dropping from valley fever badly enough that they had to close, then they all would.