
Kracus t1_jeekjtl wrote

I'm not too concerned with that yet, chatGPT can't really troubleshoot, it can offer suggestions on what to troubleshoot but the actual work of figuring out the intricacies is something it's not very good at.

I use it to create powershell scripts now and then and to write an e-mail here and there but that's about it so far.


Kracus t1_jdwjete wrote

Meh, you can't really quote Putin on that kind of stuff because it's all bullshit to begin with. I can't logically believe Putin thinks NATO is going to invade Russia, at least not prior to him starting his war in Ukraine. His excuses for the war like NATO expansion or Nazi Ukrainians is all bullshit. He wants those resources and he wants to control the bottle necks into Russia. After the USSR collapse they lost so much population it set them back so hard they're still feeling it today.

Frankly, if their government wasn't so corrupt and they'd bothered to actually promote family and a more democratic government they'd probably be doing a lot better but instead they decided to go with an oligarchy and slowly trying to invade countries that left the USSR to recapture both, the population, and the borders they once controlled.

Now Putin is at the point where he fucked up and is desperately trying to unfuck his situation and it's not working. Hence why nukes are being shipped to Belarus. Come spring we're going to see how this is going to play out long term and I suspect it's not going to be in Russia's favor and the likelihood of tactical nukes being deployed is going to be much more likely.


Kracus t1_iwrg0u6 wrote

I fully understand the point. In fact if you search through my posts on this subreddit I’ve already spelled out in great detail this exact scenario several times. It’s still the same concept as the ship of Theseus.

As to perfecting the technology I have no doubt it will happen in the future.


Kracus t1_iwrdk8y wrote

This is a famous thought experiment called the ship of Theseus.

There is no single correct answer to this question. I blew my 12 year old sons mind the other day when I posed him this question. He answered very confidently that the ship was no longer the same at the end of its travels. Then I reminded him that every atom in his body will have been replaced in 7 years time so does that mean his original self passed away?

I believe it is possible to transfer consciousness in the way of replacing pieces of the brain which complicates the question of what is consciousness?