
KyivComrade t1_jdxik6w wrote

Yeah, it's all pretty useless and deep down he knows it. He could be praying towards nothing or not at all and it'd not make a difference in the world (this one or the next). Just goes to show how deep the brainwashing of a strict religion goes...

Sincerely a person who found his own faith, one that doesn't give dead people the right to control my life forever and make it worse in every way.


KyivComrade t1_j9d64tp wrote

Reply to comment by jeanpaultru in Any Bear agrees?... by jeanpaultru

Damn dude, spamming that crap all I've reddit like a kiddo wantikng the latest painting on the fridge.

Sorry pal this isn't kindergarten and that low quality nonsense is ugly as heck. At least beg for enough cash to afford the real way a guy with no money has skin in the game. paper trader


KyivComrade t1_j9d5tuu wrote

Reply to comment by jeanpaultru in Any Bear agrees?... by jeanpaultru

>Please enlighten me

That's the problem, my dude. You need more facts and less fiction, more reality and less squiggly made up lines of lies.

Go ahead. Find one peer reviewed article stating TA can accurately predict future market movements. Because there is none, every time TA has been tried in a scientick setting it's failed to perform better then pure chance.


KyivComrade t1_j1o1ewp wrote

People whos money is sent offshore to a tax paradise, whoem written off as a mysterious loss here. Money sent to be hoarded in a digital world by the ruling elite...they won capitalism.

Now of you happen to give some money to a normal citizen, one who actually works and produces something, it'll lead to inflation and thus is bad. Food, housing, everything has risen sky high...but me preserving 1/10th of my purchasing power is bad and "dangerous". Mr billionaire getting another few billions is good. 🤡


KyivComrade t1_it2fhg2 wrote

Nah, while we do get a lot of practice regarding social skills during kindergarten/early school years it isn't a critical period. Anyone can, unless hindered by mental illness, achieve decent social skills even if they start out as extremely socially awkward and/or shy.

I for one was bullied through all my school years and barely even had a friend, much less a good friend. I couldn't handle social situations at all, literal dread and nausea even thinking about them. But in my 30s I decided to change myself, I moved far away and tried to start a new fresh life. And I managed! Slowly but surely I could socialise more and nowadays its easy, even public speaking feels doable (formerly impossible). The fact that no one knew me allowed me to "fake it until you make it" and slowly but surely learn, train and conquer, basic social skills.