LFKhael t1_j5tjs1t wrote
Reply to comment by nikc4 in How a Philadelphia antiviolence grant improperly funneled $76,000 to city police staffers by PhillyAccount
Even the byline subheading is:
> The Guns Down Gloves Up program was among 31 grantees awarded $13.5 million by the city. It is now the target of a police Internal Affairs investigation, and a probe by the city Inspector General.
We're getting astroturfed.
LFKhael t1_j5qfmw4 wrote
Reply to comment by nemesisinphilly in Former Philly Mayor John Street endorses Rebecca Rhynhart by ConfiaEnElProceso
Not to mention someone former Wall Street who worked for Nutter being a facsimile of Krasner?
LFKhael t1_j5qdr5k wrote
Reply to comment by emet18 in Former Philly Mayor John Street endorses Rebecca Rhynhart by ConfiaEnElProceso
LFKhael t1_j5qdean wrote
Reply to comment by thefrozendivide in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
Just don't get off at Broadway/Walter Rand if you can help it.
LFKhael t1_j51wkha wrote
Reply to comment by JohnDerek57 in My tap smells like a fart by aranhalaranja
Warm water releases dissolved air that may be present in cold water. Common in winter.
Let the water sit for a minute and it'll clear up.
LFKhael t1_j50ojx4 wrote
Reply to My tap smells like a fart by aranhalaranja
Might be worth following this page.
LFKhael t1_j4wkd3g wrote
Reply to comment by DurkHD in Campbell Soup spending $50M to expand Camden HQ by RoughRhinos
It tasted a little off, but it was my favorite. I'd put half a can over rice and veggies.
LFKhael t1_j4w8h8j wrote
Reply to comment by svenEsven in update on the animal scratching in my ceiling!!!!!!!!! by sandwichpepe
Touch grass, dude.
Talk about being upset over something completely asinine.
LFKhael t1_j4w6hm1 wrote
Reply to comment by OptimusSublime in Campbell Soup spending $50M to expand Camden HQ by RoughRhinos
Inky might be incorrect. Royal Dansk seems to have been sold to Ferrero back in 2019-ish.
LFKhael t1_j4w624f wrote
Reply to comment by svenEsven in update on the animal scratching in my ceiling!!!!!!!!! by sandwichpepe
Some people don't want to see a dead animal. It's the one tag for all of sensitive content (outside the spoilers tag) on reddit.
LFKhael t1_j4w0czw wrote
$50M and still no resurrection of the Buffalo Chicken flavor. :[
LFKhael t1_j4qoy7k wrote
Reply to comment by TPPH_1215 in Oh no, you can't park there! That spot is obviously TAKEN! by Spideriffic
The amount of "you can't do anything about it or it's your fault" that shows up in these threads.
I can't tell if it's a defeatist attitude or half these people are the ones putting cones and chairs out.
Drivers are violent and out of control. Same level as the shootings in public areas and dirtbike gangs. It's just an "well it's okay when they do it" hand wave.
LFKhael t1_j3s4gso wrote
Reply to comment by just_start_doing_it in Inky: "Crashes are down 36% on Roosevelt Blvd., thanks to speed cameras" by just_start_doing_it
People put the pedal all the way down just to go from one red light to the next, even in the crowded parts of CC.
That can't be helped without enforcement, which ain't happening ever, unfortunately.
The cameras are the best we can get for the time being.
LFKhael t1_j3s0hod wrote
Reply to comment by Living-Pineapple-589 in Inky: "Crashes are down 36% on Roosevelt Blvd., thanks to speed cameras" by just_start_doing_it
Just because you claim to be something doesn't mean anything.
Same "as a centrist" bullshit people have been pushing for years.
Nobody is stupid enough to buy that anymore.
LFKhael t1_j3ryt06 wrote
Reply to comment by Electr_O_Purist in Inky: "Crashes are down 36% on Roosevelt Blvd., thanks to speed cameras" by just_start_doing_it
Dude was never arguing in good faith the moment he equated getting pulled over for a broken tail light and getting your car searched with "public safety."
LFKhael t1_j3ry7kn wrote
Reply to comment by randym99 in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
Citizen is a disease and feeds the moral panic trend at a level local news could only dream of.
My coworkers are fucking hooked on it.
LFKhael t1_j3rhuji wrote
Reply to Inky: "Crashes are down 36% on Roosevelt Blvd., thanks to speed cameras" by just_start_doing_it
> Collisions with fatalities or serious injuries declined 11% on the Boulevard in the period studied, while at the same time such crashes were increasing by 16% in the city as a whole.
Brb gonna go flip the lights on and off in the bathroom while saying "mandatory 4k"
LFKhael t1_j37h0zd wrote
Ah, fuck.
I guess that's why they didn't have any Woodstock sauces last time I went there.
LFKhael t1_j2yfu6b wrote
Reply to A family thought they’d rented a Philly home on Airbnb. But the owner never made the listing. by Dryheavemorning
> Airbnb’s response reiterated that the company doesn’t “own, manage or control accommodations” and can’t arbitrate these disputes or private contract terms.
> “There really was no way to tell” the listing was fake, said Brunet, noting it had more than 100 reviews, with an average rating of 4.7 out of 5. “It looked just like any other listing, which is kind of the most scary part about it. I’m just like, well, I can’t trust anything.”
LFKhael t1_j2smg23 wrote
Can we get a bird photo flair?
LFKhael t1_j2rqy0x wrote
Reply to comment by familyofgeniuses in Chat Around and Find Out: Tuesday Casual Chat Thread by AutoModerator
I definitely had to watch my step going down to PATCO stations back when I had a commute. I don't think it's new.
LFKhael t1_j2rp77d wrote
Reply to comment by ageofadzz in Chat Around and Find Out: Tuesday Casual Chat Thread by AutoModerator
Yes, mods, this post right here.
LFKhael t1_j2eezrg wrote
Reply to City Council is more concerned with cars than public transit | Editorial by LurkersWillLurk
> Councilmembers have been known to drastically rezone entire commercial corridors due to parking complaints, but when it comes to the well-known woes of the city’s transit system, they are typically silent. If an illegally parked car blocks dozens of Philadelphians on a bus or trolley from getting to work on time, Council is more likely to intervene to help the scofflaw avoid tickets than it is to help transit riders get where they need to go.
LFKhael t1_j2eafxa wrote
Reply to comment by uptown_gargoyle in At one point this was a world record holding ship. by FGoose
Waffle House
LFKhael t1_j5toyvg wrote
Reply to comment by themightychris in How a Philadelphia antiviolence grant improperly funneled $76,000 to city police staffers by PhillyAccount
The program may continue and seems to be currently operational FWIW.
> Before its suspension, the program had been extended through this June. Other programs that shared the Community Expansion Grant funds have also received extensions. Atwood said the city would be renewing some grants, and opening a new application round in early spring.
> Guns Down Gloves Up continues to operate, under Gee’s leadership, at a city recreation center in Graduate Hospital — a temporary arrangement until the program finds a permanent new home, a city spokesperson said.