
LFKhael t1_j5toyvg wrote

The program may continue and seems to be currently operational FWIW.

> Before its suspension, the program had been extended through this June. Other programs that shared the Community Expansion Grant funds have also received extensions. Atwood said the city would be renewing some grants, and opening a new application round in early spring.

> Guns Down Gloves Up continues to operate, under Gee’s leadership, at a city recreation center in Graduate Hospital — a temporary arrangement until the program finds a permanent new home, a city spokesperson said.


LFKhael t1_j4qoy7k wrote

The amount of "you can't do anything about it or it's your fault" that shows up in these threads.

I can't tell if it's a defeatist attitude or half these people are the ones putting cones and chairs out.

Drivers are violent and out of control. Same level as the shootings in public areas and dirtbike gangs. It's just an "well it's okay when they do it" hand wave.


LFKhael t1_j2yfu6b wrote

> Airbnb’s response reiterated that the company doesn’t “own, manage or control accommodations” and can’t arbitrate these disputes or private contract terms.

> “There really was no way to tell” the listing was fake, said Brunet, noting it had more than 100 reviews, with an average rating of 4.7 out of 5. “It looked just like any other listing, which is kind of the most scary part about it. I’m just like, well, I can’t trust anything.”


LFKhael t1_j2eezrg wrote

> Councilmembers have been known to drastically rezone entire commercial corridors due to parking complaints, but when it comes to the well-known woes of the city’s transit system, they are typically silent. If an illegally parked car blocks dozens of Philadelphians on a bus or trolley from getting to work on time, Council is more likely to intervene to help the scofflaw avoid tickets than it is to help transit riders get where they need to go.