
emet18 t1_j9qkyfi wrote

Waiting to see how the Krasneristas defend this one.

Look, I don’t like the guy’s policies. But this is separate from that. He is just a bad, unethical attorney. File this under the same category as all the stories about enormous office turnover, getting rebuked for incompetence on the record by a judge, accepting enormous amounts of money from out-of-state donors, etc. Donald Trump levels of comically apparent corruption, ineptitude, and belief that the rules don’t apply to you.


emet18 t1_j9hfrki wrote

Absolutely horrendous coverage by the Inky. Slobberingly sympathetic coverage for the pitbull in the first half of the article. Then we get some weepy statement from the dog owner's sister - why the hell is her opinion relevant? - before we even get to the most relevant part:

> One of the dogs — Mia — suddenly dragged her owner toward Maguire, snatched the small dog off the agent’s lap, and began aggressively shaking it, the source said.

> Maguire threw herself into the fracas and tried to separate the animals, eventually drawing her weapon, placing it directly against the pit bull’s backside, and firing into the animal’s hindquarters, according to the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

And then we get a fucking obituary for the pitbull and statement from more demonstrators, plus links to some ACAB Insta/Twitter accounts who predictably have the most smoothbrained take on the situation.

By the way, what happened to the little dog that the pitbull mauled? Was it rushed to the emergency vet? Did it's owner consider it her "baby for seven years"? Who knows, the Inky sure doesn't care!

Just about every part of this article is designed to stir up as much outrage as possible in a mundane event that wouldn't even be news if the shooter wasn't a cop. Irresponsible journalism.


emet18 t1_j5qv3zq wrote

I believe what I read when it’s the words of the candidate themselves.

Among the major candidates in this race, from least to most progressive I’d say: Domb -> Green -> Jeff Brown -> Parker -> Rhynhart -> Quiñones-Sanchez -> Gym.

Let me ask you this: apart from Gym and Quiñones-Sanchez, are there any candidates you think are more progressive than Rhynhart?


emet18 t1_j5qdmqm wrote

Philadelphia mag described Rhynhart as a “progressive playmate” of Krasner in 2019. The Inquirer said that she was elected in 2017 because she “rode a progressive wave.

Her plans for mayor seem to cast her equally in the progressive mold. In this interview from late last year, Rhynhart blames gun violence on “racist government programs,” and wants to “reallocate” police funding (read: defund the police) in favor of “community policing” instead.

Rhynhart is Helen Gym for white women. She takes kooky progressive ideas but wipes off the militant activism and repackages them in nerdy policy wonkery, but the ideas are still the same: defund the police, blame everything on systemic racism.
