
t1_j7wwpsy wrote

Is there any way to search for sub-communities?

Lets say I just saw something cool about my favorite show and wanna see what people are talking about in it's community:

How would i find out about the new square enix game?

Is this something going to be in Pro? Cause I feel like putting basic functionality like that might leave your attempt DoA.

Cause if I can do that with a google chrome extension on twitter, why pay for it?


t1_j1ux02l wrote

Ah. So it's a matter of not knowing or caring about context.

I.E "Gohan choosing not to finish cell off once he had already powered up"


Did you not watch the show or read the manga? Gohan easily had the energy to finish cell off and didn't use it.

I repeat he EASILY could have finished cell off at any point once he reached SS2 and didn't due to a twisted bout of sadism.

Goku used the senzu bean to stop cell from doing anything reckless if he was wary and low on energy. Which made cell so confident he STOPPED ATTACKING GOHAN to help push him to super Saiyan 2, thinking that at full power he could easily handle whatever that form could throw at him.

It was Gohan himself who just kept doing near fatal damage and waiting for cell to regenerate so he can do it again. He wasn't tired. The senzu bean made it easier for him. Pay attention to the actual story, not the abridged series.


t1_j1t4gei wrote

If you were in goku’s position, and your teenage son was the only person in the world who stood a chance, would you have him die after watching his world get destroyed because he’s too young to be fighting?

Would you refuse the senzu bean?

Cell has the personality flaws of frieza, piccolo, and vegeta. All think they’re invincible when they’re at 100% power and can be caught off guard. All go full ‘blow up everything instead of finishing the fight’ the moment they think that their opponent might have an edge on them.

Would you refuse the senzu bean if it was your son?

Would you have refused to let gohan fight?


t1_j1t3uo6 wrote

I remember that arc. It was one of the trio-de-dangers who insisted goku did that in-universe. No less than 3 times in the arc did they point out that said take is absolute bullshit.

Like, 3 different angels, including the head angel said “The 11 universes were going to die anyway. Goku’s suggestion is the ONLY reason they survived because he convinced God to give them a fighting chance.”

Do… Do people not actually watch the show?


t1_j143z4q wrote

No, last I checked it was in Egypt.

Someone was trying to use it in construction.

And you have a whole slew of people insisting only Englishmen know it's true value, and implying that the ENTIRETY of Egypt and it's historical and archaeological community is simply too backwards to handle historical artifacts because of one dude working construction many many years ago.

It's like someone from Madagascar finding an artifact in Canada that explicitly proves trade happened between Vikings and natives, takes it back to their home country and refuses to give it back to Canada because they said they found it being used as a door ornament and is trying to paint all Canadians, native and immigrant with the same brush as whoever found it without realizing it's importance