LevelDrawers t1_jadcy9l wrote
Reply to comment by pasmanda in Planitarium? by pasmanda
The observatory is closed until 2026
LevelDrawers t1_jad6biy wrote
Reply to Planitarium? by pasmanda
LevelDrawers t1_jad59in wrote
Reply to comment by Wildse7en in This vegetarian BBQ sauce has a swastika as their logo. by mike95242
We're downvoting because anyone who's been on the internet more than 5 minutes knows that swastikas are common in other cultures. We're tired of the fake rage bait and the same 3 factoids about swastikas being repeated every time the topic comes up.
LevelDrawers t1_jad4xpa wrote
Reply to comment by KingRhoamsGhost in This vegetarian BBQ sauce has a swastika as their logo. by mike95242
Yes, the reverse and 45-degree angle "facts" aren't really facts at all. There are many instances of un-tilted swastikas in Nazi Germany, notably at the Nuremburg parade grounds. But redditors are compelled to post the one thing they know every damned time this topic comes up.
LevelDrawers t1_jad4mfb wrote
I wonder if anyone in this thread will point out that the swastika existed for thousands of years before the Nazis appropriated it.
LevelDrawers t1_jacs9i3 wrote
Kids these days, amirite?
LevelDrawers t1_ja8cc79 wrote
Reply to ISO restaurant by Maleficent_Orchid195
Gadsby's Tavern doesn't seem to have lobster bisque on the menu right now, but it's the sort of place that has group events.
LevelDrawers t1_j9la0jk wrote
> They’ve had conferences in Chicago and Detroit which i outright REFUSED to go to. I considered attending DC until I read the papers on what goes on over there
From this and the rest of your responses it's pretty clear you've already made your mind up and are just looking for justification. "Read the papers"?
LevelDrawers t1_j9k3mt1 wrote
Reply to comment by walliewasright42o in I am looking for a volunteer opportunity to do Friday, or Saturday. I want to help with something worthwhile! Know of anything happening that needs a not very strong person? by maynovember
What are you brave enough to do?
LevelDrawers t1_j93nzj8 wrote
Reply to comment by ilikeathesauce in Armed Robbery Outside Eliot-Hine Middle School by AndreTippettPoint
Thank god there's a vast, vast gray area between those two extremes.
LevelDrawers t1_j8sjmwy wrote
In my experience, you don't need to worry about a permit for such things, even if you don't officially own your front yard. Like a lot of folks, my property line is at my front door, but I have a 12 x 15 front yard that I don't technically own. I had a 10-foot long grape arbor out there for several years, and even my jerk neighbor didn't complain. I'd chance it.
LevelDrawers t1_j6aoudx wrote
Reply to comment by burrito-disciple in Opinion: It’s time for federal employees to return to the office by 22304_selling
> Tell me your only interactions with the Post are through Reddit without telling me your only interactions with the Post are through Reddit
Tell me you spend too much time on reddit and can communicate only through used-up memes without... oh, shit, you know
LevelDrawers t1_jaf4zz1 wrote
Reply to comment by n_az_n in Marjorie Taylor Greene "attacked" by woman while at restaurant by 10tonheadofwetsand
There is no obligation to tolerate evil.