
LiberalFartsMajor t1_jablgkv wrote

It doesn't matter if it creates it from something or from "nothing" the reason a computer can't be creative is that it lacks initiative, a person must direct it to create for it to happen.

No free will = no creativity

A person will always be the one responsible for the works existence because they will have to initiate it somehow.


LiberalFartsMajor t1_j9wz6zq wrote

Right off the bat, this is wrong.

>Google and other big tech financially benefits and exploits the content of others for that financial benefit, often within highly controlled and manipulated eco systems.

No they don't. Any website can direct Google not to index them if they don't want to be linked, this would destroy their traffic from Google though. These media companies want to have their cake and eat it too when what they should be doing is dying in a corner quietly.