
Live_Oak123 t1_j6vudvi wrote

I used to work with this tool. He was actually less clueless then, but clueless nonetheless.

You would think a conservative, right wing nut job would understand that two private companies might decide they don’t want to work together, and that’s OK. You know, free market and all. It is NOT the same as the government “coming for you”. Actually, come to think of it, his way of thinking that the government should force private company A to contract with private company B at the rates demanded by private company B is much closer to tyranny than is company A saying they won’t work with company B because they are too expensive.


Live_Oak123 t1_j00qqa9 wrote

Statistically they are proven to improve traffic flow, reduce accidents, and significantly reduce injury from accidents. People say they don’t like them because they slow down traffic and are less safe. The data says otherwise.


Live_Oak123 t1_iz8jlma wrote

Try El Poblano on Kansas. Ignore the decor, and enjoy the food. Don’t laugh too hard. I loved in Texas for a decade and I’ve been pleasantly surprised the last couple of times I was there.

Also, I like La Paloma on Sunshine.