
LockedOutOfElfland t1_ixhaldx wrote

  • any cool places for nerd things (we both love to read books/comics/manga, play board/video games)

Black Lotus Pizza (pizza restaurant + board/card game space), Games Unlimited (Board game/TPRG/etc. store and game space), The Exchange (store that sells used music and DVDs with an ample anime/manga selection)


LockedOutOfElfland t1_iu56u3y wrote

Bloomfield is kind of like the baby in that story about King Solomon where two people are arguing over whose baby it is - on one end you've got the old school "yinzers", and on the other you've got younger transplants who are gradually hoping to reshape the Bloomfield/Friendship/Garfield nexus to be more contemporary in attitude.


LockedOutOfElfland t1_ishs6m9 wrote

Reply to comment by feigndeaf in FUCK MASSACHUSETS by A_Sad_Badger

Lived in North Florida for a decade and then some. You mostly forget about South Florida entirely unless you're watching one of those movies or TV shows about cops shooting drug dealers (because there's a 95% chance those are in Miami), or unless you meet a student who tells you they moved for college from "around Miami".