
LoganJFisher t1_iybqu7o wrote

Just discovered Aegean Sea.

They look great, but unfortunately lack the lowercase Greek letters. As someone who uses the Greek alphabet as variables rather than for writing, while I know the uppercase and lowercase versions of each letter, having the lowercase symbols shown would be helpful. Oh well.


LoganJFisher OP t1_iy64jta wrote

I would love to get matching caps for the number row, grave/tilde, minus/underscore, equal/plus, bracket left/curly bracket left, bracket right/curly bracket right, semicolon/colon, apostrophe/quote, comma/angled bracket left, period/angled bracket right, forward slash/question mark, and backslash/vertical bar keys. Steel for all the typable symbols.


LoganJFisher OP t1_iy4cgjn wrote

Thank you! I've been saying this for a while and get constant pushback on it.

All enthusiast-tier switches made at this point have longer stems to avoid north-facing conflicts. Can't speak to your basics like Cherry and Gateron switches, but the people buying these boards aren't using those anyways. It makes no sense to still make PCBs be south-facing.


LoganJFisher t1_iy1uu21 wrote

I enjoy anime as much as the next neckbeard here, but personally I only want symbols on my keyboard that I can actually use. If someone knows Japanese, then power to them, but it's definitely over-represented.

Greek characters would be super useful to me because I use them quite a lot in my work (physics), so making a layer dedicated to them (and a layer dedicated to the TeX codes for them) would be rather nice.