LonelyGnomes t1_j9vank4 wrote
Reply to comment by DiceMaster in Does the common flu vaccine offer any buffer against H5N1 (Bird Flu)? by Esc_ape_artist
LonelyGnomes t1_j4a8v1c wrote
Reply to Do antibodies get constantly gobbled up by the immune system or does it only get gobbled it up if it binds to something? if so why. by menooby
Okay so there are many kind of antibodies - IgG, IgM, IgA and IgE.
IgA are only functional outside of the body (in your intestines and in your respiratory tract). IgE are only functional once bound to a very specific type of cell - they cause allergies. IgG and IgM, on the other hand, have many purposes. Which…are complicated. You have something floating around in your blood called complement. When Complement lands on something, it tells your immune system to kill whatever it lands on. So your body only wants complement to land on diseases. One of the ways it gets it to do this is by haveing antibodies (IgG and IgM antibodies) make complement settle onto diseases. In this case it isn’t really gobbled up - it makes proteins form that literally punch holes in pathogens (and ramp up your immune system so any survivors can get gobbled up).
The other thing it can do it make you immune cells gobble up whatever it binds too so it can kinda do both!
LonelyGnomes t1_j21i7uh wrote
Reply to comment by thegypsyqueen in How do shifts work on really long medical operations? by TerjiD
Pretty sure a study was recently published that physicians on average thought fewer handoffs were better for patient care, but would not want to be seen by a doc at the end of a 24 hour shift. So basically we’re hypocrites.
LonelyGnomes t1_j1zkse9 wrote
Reply to comment by Satire-V in How do shifts work on really long medical operations? by TerjiD
Especially in surgical specialties (and especially as a trainee) sleep deprivation is a constant. It’s kind of hazing
LonelyGnomes t1_j9vb0nr wrote
Reply to comment by sciolycaptain in Does the common flu vaccine offer any buffer against H5N1 (Bird Flu)? by Esc_ape_artist
I feel like that’s exactly how I’ve done PCR every time (plus some buffer and magnesium). It’s kinda magic.