
LordMongrove t1_j9fa7t5 wrote

You say you are a scientist, yet your arguments seem to come from a different place. What kind of scientist exactly?

The only way there is a place for free will is if all our fundamental science is wrong. There was no place for free will in classical (Newtonian) mechanics, there is no place for it in quantum mechanics, nor in relativity. There is no place for it in string theory or the standard particle model.

Basically, everything we think we know about the universe would need to be wrong for free will to have a chance. You are grasping at straws.


LordMongrove t1_j98ml1x wrote

Does it matter if the universe is stochastic or predetermined? It seems that neither leave room for free will.

There is no crack that I can know of in physics where free will could hide.

So if have some options, I’d love to hear them.


LordMongrove t1_j1zzk20 wrote

You are comparing apples and oranges. Bitterly cold weather isn’t at all common in Texas. It is here. Of course people are going to be better prepared.

Not to mention that your characterization of NH is wishful thinking. This idea that the majority of NH is full of self-reliant rural folk doesn’t match up the demographics. Remember the chaos of the ice storm of 2008? Most people still don’t have generators.


LordMongrove t1_j0istfi wrote

You waste all your brain capacity typing that, and then you lose your credibility (and most of your audience) in the first paragraph by using the term "maoist".

Seriously, anybody who uses the term maoist or commie in reference to anybody in the democratic party is just virtue signaling. I didn't bother finishing your post because you showed me you are just an ignorant partisan ideologue. You'll may get some cheering from the Fox News smooth brains though, which is probably all you care about.

Just saying.


LordMongrove t1_j0ir76z wrote

>I promise not to bring any Floridian craziness and preserve what makes NH so great.

Good luck with that.

People don't agree about what makes NH great. And just because NH is great, doesn't mean it can't be even better. I think most people would agree with that.

Even the people that are most vocal about not changing things usually just mean "don't change the things they like", and they are quite happy for it to change to be even more of what they like.


LordMongrove t1_izou4yq wrote

People are people. I’ve lived all over the country and you get good and bad everywhere.

When people say “Southerners are more friendly” or “Northerns are hard to make friends with”, it is their anecdotal experience, often colored by their expectations about regions that they get from others online. I will say that people seem more friendly down south but that is just superficial mannerisms.

Some of the friendliest people I’ve met were in MA, NH and ME, and the meanest were in Florida and Arkansas.

But I’ve met great people everywhere.