Luke90210 t1_j94v0vz wrote
Reply to comment by Jaredlong in Weekly History Questions Thread. by AutoModerator
> how did hereditary monarchs actually hold on to power?
Divinity might help. When the king is seen as a god or chosen by god/gods, it validates his power to everyone. If the autocracy/nobility also derives their power and privileges on the same basis they have little interest in challenging the system.
Luke90210 t1_j941elp wrote
Reply to Nuclear shadow, Nagasaki by allez05
Some Japanese wartime leaders later admitted the atomic bombings gave them the final justification to stop the war they started and lost. Almost all Japanese cities had suffered mass fire bombings. The rice harvest that year was a failure meaning Japan faced starvation. And the world's largest army, the Red Army, was unstoppable.
It was more honorable to say the American doomsday bomb was too much rather than say we lost.
Luke90210 t1_j93x3kb wrote
Reply to Make the most out of NYC theatre by Prudent_Pool1933
This is the live Theater Development Fund ticker. Lets one know whats currently on sale. If there is show one wants to see and its always on sale on Thursdays, plan accordingly.
Luke90210 t1_j92yhfb wrote
Reply to comment by simcitymayor in Century 21 to reopen iconic lower Manhattan store within weeks by Draydaze67
There were stories of discount store buyers/owners going to main brand stores with wads of cash to make on the spot deals. Absolutely no way is that happening anymore.
Luke90210 t1_j92wu7m wrote
Reply to I just wanted to ask a girl for directions on the subway, and she absolutely made my day by skyeyemx
Back when I had an unlimited Metrocard, I would sometimes swipe tourists in. They had a card, but didn't know how to swipe correctly and not too fast/slow.
FYI, the cards allowed a swipe about every 20 minutes.
Luke90210 t1_j8xytiv wrote
Reply to Community Board implores NYC Mayor Adams to defund exclusionary Staten Island St. Patrick’s Parade by I_AM_TARA
Its common knowledge the St Patrick's Parade in Dublin, Ireland stopped excluding people years ago. Seems that should be the standard NYC should live up to. If not, then NYC Human Rights Law should be as taxpayer money is funding it.
Luke90210 t1_j7y7ky4 wrote
As the article pointed out: If they can't sleep at the drop-in centers, then they are going to sleep in the parks and subways. Who wants that?
Luke90210 t1_j67kj5l wrote
Reply to comment by ilikedthismovie in George Santos' ex says congressman will never resign because 'his ego is too big' | CNN Politics by iv2892
Prosecutors offer deals for a sure win over a possible loss all the time.
Luke90210 t1_j66j4vi wrote
Reply to comment by ilikedthismovie in George Santos' ex says congressman will never resign because 'his ego is too big' | CNN Politics by iv2892
If you were in his lying shoes and offered a plea deal to stay out of prison and resign, what would you choose? Its not like anyone is offering him a pundit job after this. I don't think Uber would give him a chance.
Luke90210 t1_j66hmb0 wrote
Reply to comment by ilikedthismovie in George Santos' ex says congressman will never resign because 'his ego is too big' | CNN Politics by iv2892
The Congressional Ethics Committee is evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats. Some Republicans in Congress have publicly called for Santos to resign. There is a solid chance the majority could recommend his expulsion. However, House Speaker McCarthy is such a spineless worm maybe no further action will be made. Whats more likely is Santos resigns when faced with prison for illegal campaign disclosures.
Luke90210 t1_j65lji2 wrote
Reply to George Santos' ex says congressman will never resign because 'his ego is too big' | CNN Politics by iv2892
George Santos has nowhere to go if he resigns. He might have to to avoid prison time. He has no job, no money of his own, no college degree, a laughable reputation, the threat of lawsuits over his head, no family money and needs money for lawyers. Santos could be homeless and broke within a year if he resigns.
Luke90210 t1_j5wml0f wrote
Santos seems to have no idea where he is. Maybe claiming to be hunted by the evil ones works with MAGA hicks in fly-over states, but not here.
Luke90210 t1_j5389k6 wrote
Reply to comment by NYPorkDept in 100 cats in kew gardens apartment put on bus to Florida by ugots2bhigh
Many of these cats suffered from infections. Despite the reputation, most cats are not good at catching mice nor rats.
Luke90210 t1_j404gic wrote
Reply to Fyre (2019) The infamous rock festival conceived by an overly ambitious egotistical entrepreneur (CC) [01:25:28] by ghostmrchicken
Honest Question: How does one determine if a new music festival/concert is legit?
Luke90210 t1_j2v48m4 wrote
Reply to Look on the dark side | We must keep the flame of pessimism burning: it is a virtue for our deeply troubled times, when crude optimism is a vice by ADefiniteDescription
Being cynical is good and not the same as pessimistic.
Luke90210 t1_j21e4dg wrote
Reply to LPT: buy travel insurance by stowaway43
A couple I know never bought travel insurance until they got much older. Worth every cent after an emergency medical evacuation abroad.
Luke90210 t1_j0vpw8k wrote
Reply to comment by ioioioshi in Man Admits Fatally Beating Chinese Immigrant and Faces 20-Year Term by BaizuoStateOfMind
Some of these people posted hate crime level rants on social media or talked too much in front of witnesses willing to testify or just have a provable history. Seems this guy did not reach that level of stupidity.
Luke90210 t1_j0vpfd3 wrote
Reply to comment by OrphanDad in Man Admits Fatally Beating Chinese Immigrant and Faces 20-Year Term by BaizuoStateOfMind
It sounds bad, but he is going to do his time with other violent criminals, not with the guys doing simple credit card fraud.
Luke90210 t1_izkqa56 wrote
So many times post-Pandemic I found out a former late night place I used to go to is closed for good or closed at 8 PM or the building was torn down for a new, bigger and shiny big building. McDs might be the only option and their fries suck.
Luke90210 t1_iz7t7ze wrote
Reply to comment by captainktainer in Influential NYC comedy club Caroline's closing after 40 years by broadcastterp
Europeans in the 19th century didn't quite understand the federal government wasn't going to make good on state debts sold to them and lost money.
Currently US Treasury bonds are considered among the safest, if boring, investments to hold around the world.
Luke90210 t1_iz36smd wrote
Reply to comment by _Maxolotl in Weed Gardens: More illicit cannabis shops sprout up in Kew Gardens by painess
> And they should've let people trade liquor store licenses for weed store licenses. Not both at the same time
Liquor stores take credit cards. They don't face the same violent crime risks a cash only cannabis shop does.
Luke90210 t1_iz36m0e wrote
Reply to comment by TheNormalAlternative in Weed Gardens: More illicit cannabis shops sprout up in Kew Gardens by painess
If ones lives in a rougher part of NYC, alcoholics will line up at opening time and sip outside. That isn't legal and a lot worse than the weed stores.
Luke90210 t1_ixwt4d4 wrote
Reply to comment by Die-Nacht in What Does Queens Need More, a New Park or a New Train Line? by mikeymiggz
Is cut and cover a viable legal option anymore? It doesn't seem to meet modern safety standards.
Luke90210 t1_ixwhw7i wrote
Reply to comment by Die-Nacht in What Does Queens Need More, a New Park or a New Train Line? by mikeymiggz
> I want rail, but we have a government that just doesn't prioritize it. So even if they were to start it, it would likely take decades.
Thats the beauty of this project. The land is already public and shovel ready. NIMBY means nothing as rails were already there. The costs would be minimal compared to building tunnels.
Luke90210 t1_j94vdzq wrote
Reply to comment by TheGreatOneSea in Weekly History Questions Thread. by AutoModerator
Even having a nuclear weapon might not mean much without a delivery system. Nazi Germany never had a heavy bomber like the US. The Luftwaffe surprisingly didn't even have fuel drop tanks to maximize the range of its planes.