
Luke90210 t1_j94v0vz wrote

> how did hereditary monarchs actually hold on to power?

Divinity might help. When the king is seen as a god or chosen by god/gods, it validates his power to everyone. If the autocracy/nobility also derives their power and privileges on the same basis they have little interest in challenging the system.


Luke90210 t1_j941elp wrote

Some Japanese wartime leaders later admitted the atomic bombings gave them the final justification to stop the war they started and lost. Almost all Japanese cities had suffered mass fire bombings. The rice harvest that year was a failure meaning Japan faced starvation. And the world's largest army, the Red Army, was unstoppable.

It was more honorable to say the American doomsday bomb was too much rather than say we lost.


Luke90210 t1_j66hmb0 wrote

The Congressional Ethics Committee is evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats. Some Republicans in Congress have publicly called for Santos to resign. There is a solid chance the majority could recommend his expulsion. However, House Speaker McCarthy is such a spineless worm maybe no further action will be made. Whats more likely is Santos resigns when faced with prison for illegal campaign disclosures.


Luke90210 t1_ixwhw7i wrote

> I want rail, but we have a government that just doesn't prioritize it. So even if they were to start it, it would likely take decades.

Thats the beauty of this project. The land is already public and shovel ready. NIMBY means nothing as rails were already there. The costs would be minimal compared to building tunnels.