
Lutoures t1_ixn9qtg wrote

Yes, well-remembered. Although I still dislike also this classification, as it implies that the model of development in the richer nations of Europe and North America is the model for all humanity, and the other countries are only "late" at achieving them. This is problematic for two reasons:

  1. Much of the characteristics seen as "underdevelopments" were actually set in the international system for the benefit of the richer countries.
  2. There may be more than one vision of what "development means" beyond the general well-being of people. Different countries, different cultures, different needs to be satisfied.

I still think the best option is stop using those dualistic definitions and embrace categories that recognize better the history, culture and diversity of different groups of nations.


Lutoures t1_ixll35e wrote

Yes, basically this.

Also important to note: Bolsonaro claims the ideological inheritance of the military dictatorship that ruled here in Brazil from 1964-1985. So a lot of his speech worked by calling back anti-communist propaganda and red scare conspiracy theories from this era. Add to this a bit of new evangelical fundamentalim, and you'll have a good idea how he appeals to the conservative electorate.


Lutoures t1_ixlkqid wrote

Brazilian here. Maybe the US should instead stop seen "First" and "Third World" countries and start been humble enough to learn from institutional advancements beyond the countries of the Atlantic North.

Brazil has this separate electoral justice system ruling the elections since the 1930s. Until now it was basically a measure to prevent fraud on the local level and unify the electoral system across the federation.

Now it was probably the first time that it was tested as an independent power against an overreaching Executive. The fact that they successfully taunted Bolsonaro's coup aspirations is a testimony to the genius of this institution, that should be set more as an example even coming from a "third world country".