
t1_j6ikg4e wrote

Athletes and chess players makes living by not competing with machines, because there is regulations.

Already small freelance artists are being replaced by AI and they have to quit and find other job. Even medium companies are cutting their experienced artist staff because they can make more profit by replacing them. Few visual industries was known to be exploiting artists anyway. It was already hard profession to be sustaining family from.

AI have the intention to replace human to human interaction anyway. There is a sighs that technology is altering our genetics or at least there is obvious boom of autism spectrum disorders.

Seeing in the future where your teacher will be an AI, the doctor will be an AI, your girl/boy friend will be an AI, the psychotherapist will be AI and so on - will just make matters worse.

Real artists are being overwhelmed and buried under ton or so called AI "art". AI "art" is real art the way deep fakes are real people. Just a mimicry that exploit the not mature ethics and morality of society. Plagiarism and mimicking, mostly not based on transformative content, but derivative that hurts directly the real artists on which is based. Artists have the full right to protest against immaturity of society that allows it.


t1_j6icj0k wrote

Because they aren't allowed to compete with real humans.

The same way machines aren't allowed to compete with athletes on the Olympic stadium. If machines are allowed to compete with real humans on the Olympic stadium and the other sport events - quickly the real athletes will be outperformed and won't be able to sustain their professional career.

There is no regulation about AI in arts however, so real humans art will only become something luxurious and less real artist will exists.


t1_j6i0vg2 wrote

Just like the LAION database is nonprofit but actually literally is harmful to the real artists.

AI 5 years ago was a promise that it will replace boring jobs and give the people more time to create art. Currently young people give up their dreams to persue artistic career because of AI.

Meanwhile the replacement of the artist in the visual industry is based on that same nonprofit LAION database. Artists actually cannot help but "contribute" or simply put - be hostages of data scraping algorithms.


t1_j6hwf65 wrote

Not really. Having a home 30 years ago was way cheaper than today. Having a family and kids today is far demanding, so we have demographic crisis in the development countries. Food products have gotten increasingly worse - full with additives. The stress factor living in current fast pace society is higher too. Medical care costs are getting absurdly high especially in USA.

When cars and jets were only for the super rich? You are talking about the early years of their invention. Currently they are what turns the economics of capitalism, and they for the most part aren't used for vacations as one super rich would use them. But for work. They aren't luxury, but necessary for living.


t1_j6hsn68 wrote

It's systematic and psychological problem to begin with, hardly anything AI related.

Further, so called "Fully Automated Luxury Communism' requires change of the system to begin with, obviously. Current AI development is capitalistic, and I don't see something to be changed soon. AI will(is already) be used for control and profit, and military is among the most interested in the technology. I find it really absurd to believe in sugar coated utopia, given the state of society the system, the ecological problems and whatnot.


t1_j59n65a wrote

Well in Dune universe they destroyed it.

JIHAD, BUTLERIAN: (see also Great Revolt) — the crusade against computers, thinking machines, and conscious robots begun in 201 B.G. and concluded in 108 B.G. Its chief commandment remains in the O.C. Bible as "Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind."