
Mainer2727 t1_jc4k7km wrote

There are lots of questions that have been left unanswered regarding PTP's plan. The lack of transparent information along with the enormous debt we'd take on is pretty scary. I just want to see my bill lower but it's clear that PTP's plan won't achieve that.


Mainer2727 t1_j5wi0s7 wrote

The corridor doesn't have anything to do with our current rates, although it is one project that could actually bring an increase in energy potential to our area. As many people have said, CMP only controls the delivery portion of your bill, which is much smaller than the supply portion. Unfortunately, they often take the fall for the whole increase, even though fossil fuel companies are really the people to blame!


Mainer2727 t1_j1uvuzi wrote

While you are busy promoting Pine Tree's initiative by pushing false information and emotion-fueled posts, others are sticking with the facts. CMP isn't perfect, but I'm certainly grateful for their consistent efforts during storms and the thought of a utility takeover is downright terrifying for a lot of reasons.

You call out everyone on here who is invested in our fight against climate change and accuse people of being a corporate "shrill," but you are by far the most vocal supporter of Our Power. So who is getting paid??