
Malcovis t1_jcdwdw7 wrote

It’s my understanding that the issue with some shortages such as Adderol for example, is that the federal authorities that regulate /oversee the distribution of controlled substances, such as Adderol , Oxytocin, Suboxone etc…. Will only allow a specific amount to be released and then distributed to pharmacies over a given time frame. The number of people that require ADD/ADHD meds, prescribed by their doctor, is not relevant in the eyes of the FDA/CMS.

So, basically they are on “Back Order” until the pharmacies are allowed to restock.

What’s really scary is since these drugs are controlled substances it’s nearly impossible to “stock-pile” for a rainy day… or in my case, every pharmacy with in a 30 mile radius is out of stock, with out any idea of when they expect to be restocked. You just gotta call daily and hope the withdrawal symptoms /side effects are manageable….