
Maninhartsford t1_j9wqgiz wrote

It's hardly the worst show ever, but it was supposed to be a spinoff and ABC said no, so it's presented like another season when season 8 was really supposed to be the end. It's mostly from new writers, and it shows. If you choose to watch it, definitely take some time away from the series for a while first, but honestly there just isn't that much to recommend, it's pretty bland


Maninhartsford t1_j9kdplt wrote

I believe in the commentary - which I listened to quite a while ago, mind you - he drops his head onto a safety mat painted to match the road and the sound is an egg hitting a table.


Maninhartsford t1_j5gvoku wrote

There's been a couple "direct to book" spinoffs and reboots in the last few years that make me feel like they're testing the water, but I don't think any of them got any traction.

As for the Whedon factor, they'd probably just make it without him. That's what happened with the nevers, and he didn't showrun the last couple of seasons of the original anyway