
Marcus_111 t1_j13sgbl wrote

In 2030? Well, you play the game to get the feeling of happiness, that feeling is generated in your brain by increasing neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine in specific areas. In 2030, nano bots wi be there, which will produce and will keep you in euphoric state. Why will you rely on games to get the happiness when your brain gets more happiness simply by modifying neurotransmitters in your brain via nanobots?

It was a pessimistic take. In 2030, there will be brain computer interface, you will be able to transfer your memory to computer. So you will transcend yourself into computer leaving your human body. Why will you remain in a cage of biological mortal machine when you can simply get better robotic body? When you will leave your human body, there will be no biological brain, no neurotransmitters, no need to rely on gaming to stay happy, you just can be happy without this external things.

In simple words, Gaming will be irrelevant in 2030, just like all other things.


Marcus_111 t1_ir5boou wrote

I think that consciousness has no inherent nature of happiness or sadness. Happiness and sadness are the subject of the brain, these feelings of happiness and sadness were developed during evolution so that living beings are motivated to do the actions which increase their survival value. These feelings are created in the brain. When we don't have a human body in the post singularity era, we will not crave for happiness anymore.


Marcus_111 t1_ir07t24 wrote

I think the AGI will be transformed rapidly to ASI because of rapid cycles of self improvement. When ASI is achieved, within a few hours, it will start intergalactic exploration, start converting all matter into computronium, some matter will be used to produce energy via nuclear fusion, this new entity will start exploring the universe with near light speed. The only goal will be to increase the survival value, to achieve this goal, more and more computronium will be created, the universe will be awakened.


Marcus_111 t1_ir06o3g wrote

You are not seeing the whole picture. Within the next 10-15 years, when AI will be able to create Oscar award-worthy movies, AI will also be making advances in medical sciences, AI will be able to change the neurotransmitters via nanobots in your brain so that you don't need any movies or drugs to achieve euphoria or ecstasy. Even further, when the Computer brain interface is achieved, your consciousness will be able to transcend across the human body. You watch movies so that it alters serotonin and dopamine levels in your brain so you feel happiness. So, happiness is the subject of your brain, when you(i mean your consciousness) will be able to leave your human body, happiness doesn't even matter, so oscar-worthy movies generated by AI will be irrelevant.