flyblackbox t1_je21mcg wrote
Reply to comment by tatleoat in Are the big CEO/ultra-responsible/ultra-high-paying positions in business currently(or within the next year) threatened by AI? by fluffy_assassins
This prediction points to an explosion in blockchain smart contract solutions. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations directed by AI seems to be what you’re describing. The price of crypto like Ethereum is going to skyrocket if what you’re predicting takes place.
flyblackbox t1_je1p1b9 wrote
Reply to comment by Bismar7 in Chat-GPT 4 is here, one theory of the Singularity is things will accelerate exponentially, are there any signs of this yet and what should we be watching? by Arowx
Just to add my two cents, the article you cited by Kurzweil has had a bigger impact on my world view than anything else I’ve read before or since. I read it in 2003 and still I’m convinced it is a sound theory.
I’m curious if anyone else who read it has began to have doubts since?
flyblackbox t1_je0gsql wrote
Reply to comment by just_thisGuy in Singularity is a hypothesis by Gortanian2
Buy a house maybe. Or to have the option of investing in crypto because it’s not permitted in a 401k account.
flyblackbox t1_je0dehl wrote
Reply to comment by just_thisGuy in Singularity is a hypothesis by Gortanian2
So the money can be used before 30 years in the future.
flyblackbox t1_je0867n wrote
Reply to comment by just_thisGuy in Singularity is a hypothesis by Gortanian2
Wait, your second sentence invalidates your first. Most can’t access their 401k before 10 years. If your second sentence is true, why would it be stupid to cash out a 401k considering you are 30 years from retirement?
flyblackbox t1_jcmnd30 wrote
Reply to comment by shmoculus in Those who know... by Destiny_Knight
Decentralized Artificially Intelligent Organizations
flyblackbox t1_jcl8oo9 wrote
Reply to comment by shmoculus in Those who know... by Destiny_Knight
Amazing. I really can’t wait to see how this progresses. Some are pessimistic because of alignment, but I’m optimistic because almost nothing could be worse than what we have going currently.
flyblackbox t1_jcksgqa wrote
Reply to comment by cosmic_censor in Those who know... by Destiny_Knight
I keep thinking the next crypto bull run will be powered by AI integrations. More specifically, decentralized autonomous organizations being directed by LLM to allocate resources in the most efficient way. They will be able to outcompete centralized orgs managed by humans.
Also, in a world where all content can be fabricated we won’t know what’s true anymore. That is a perfect fit for cryptographically hashed digital content, to help give us something we can trust.
People keep saying crypto is dead because AI has arrived, but to me they seem to go hand in hand.
flyblackbox t1_jaszex0 wrote
Reply to comment by Nastypilot in Figure: One robot for every human on the planet. by GodOfThunder101
The biggest things I can think of, born in 1987.
We had to make phone calls from a phone connected to a wall at all times and if you weren’t there to answer the phone, too bad. There was no cell phone service, or World Wide Web until about 1995, and only a few people even had email in the early 90s.
Trying to navigate to a physical location was a either a guessing game or literally looking at a map and trying to figure out where you were, where you were going, and running your finger across the map to see what roads went that way. If you didn’t have a map, you had to stop and ask for directions where someone else would tell you how many turns to make or what landmarks you would see on the way.
Oh and to learn any fact, you had to either know someone knowledgeable on the topic and ask them or physically go to a library, hope that had a particular book on the topic and that someone else hadn’t already taken it out before you got there.
flyblackbox t1_jaaq4ba wrote
Reply to comment by CrelbowMannschaft in "But what would people do when all jobs get automated ?" Ask the Aristocrats. by IluvBsissa
Then we would have no place beyond this next step of evolution. How do you see humans fitting into the picture?
flyblackbox t1_j9u8v5q wrote
Reply to comment by Economy_Variation365 in New agi poll says there is 50% chance of it happening by 2059. Thoughts? by possiblybaldman
I also would like him to explain. From a cursory 30 seconds of research, it seems Morovec predicted 2050 in 2009. I didn’t read the article though..
flyblackbox t1_j9rn7k3 wrote
Reply to comment by ljohnblaze in US Copyright Office: You Can't Copyright Images Generated Using AI by vadhavaniyafaijan
I think you would like this one:
Basically observes that all prices are headed towards zero.
flyblackbox t1_j97o54u wrote
Reply to comment by SmithMano in "Starlink is far crazier than most people realize. Feels almost inevitable when I look at this" by maxtility
Wow.. so the conclusion drawn by the video is that he’s a super villain who, for personal gain, is going to destroy Astronomy and space travel (ironically) but at the same time not actually generate any profits..
flyblackbox t1_j97dwmy wrote
Reply to comment by user4517proton in "Starlink is far crazier than most people realize. Feels almost inevitable when I look at this" by maxtility
Is this for sure true?
flyblackbox t1_j6snlxt wrote
Reply to comment by wren42 in What is your opinion of what is going to happen between AGI and Singularity. by CertainMiddle2382
Do you have any articles or books that explain why they are unsustainable?
flyblackbox t1_j5zh5et wrote
Reply to comment by tatleoat in Self driving cars are a scary thought by chicagotopsail
Especially when every car on the road is Ai driven. The coordination made possible by that could be orders of magnitude safer than human driving.
flyblackbox t1_j49pofl wrote
Reply to comment by earthsworld in Should AI receive a salary by flaming_dortos
What’s great about this sub is the readiness to challenge preconceived notions underlying big problems, combined with abstract thought needed to solve them. Sure, sometimes that leads us down some wonky paths with silly premise, but it comes with the territory.
We should encourage this! Be sure not to throw the baby out with the bath water.
flyblackbox t1_j49owpf wrote
Reply to comment by HeinrichTheWolf_17 in Should AI receive a salary by flaming_dortos
How will it happen with physical goods? And what time frame?
flyblackbox t1_ixkulg6 wrote
Reply to comment by blxoom in Over 1,000 songs with human-mimicking AI vocals have been released by Tencent Music in China. One of them has 100m streams. by mutherhrg
Oh, Daisy Bell does not sound better than this tbh
flyblackbox t1_ixkjvbh wrote
Reply to comment by blxoom in Over 1,000 songs with human-mimicking AI vocals have been released by Tencent Music in China. One of them has 100m streams. by mutherhrg
What is Daisy bell?
flyblackbox t1_isbtgx5 wrote
Reply to comment by was_der_Fall_ist in DeepMind breaks 50-year math record using AI; new record falls a week later by Melodic-Work7436
What is your preferred method to install, or create an online account, to access and use GPT-3?
flyblackbox t1_ir2a7u3 wrote
Reply to comment by Marcus_111 in AI Generated Movies/TV by fignewtgingrich
Gtfoh where did you read this?
flyblackbox t1_je234fu wrote
Reply to comment by homezlice in Are the big CEO/ultra-responsible/ultra-high-paying positions in business currently(or within the next year) threatened by AI? by fluffy_assassins
What about decentralized autonomous organizations run on the block chain via smart contracts? If what you’re saying is true, that traditional companies are unable to be run by AI, there will be new organizations that are able, and it will be new competition for the traditional corporate structure.
AI being considered legally human is unlikely, but isn’t more unlikely that human CEOs will be able to compete with AI leaders? Because if a novel organizational structure can be formed in order to accommodate the legal challenges presented by the limitation of personhood requirements for traditional corporations, it will outcompete.