
Massive_Wash_9528 t1_j9jhi8h wrote

Definitely agree on Route 7, much easier to get to the office and overall a good place to live. There are some apartments I know of called the Curb and One Glover (that’s the street name) in Norwalk that are at the bottom of Route 7, but I think they might be a bit pricier than what you’re looking for but worth a look!

People are generally nice but definitely not Irvine nice (my husband is from there!). Can’t comment on seasonal depression as that’s never impacted me thankfully. Feel free to DM with any other questions!


Massive_Wash_9528 t1_j6f57jd wrote

Hi! So I don’t live in Harbor Point so I can’t comment on the buildings, but I can say that you shouldn’t have too much traffic leaving at those hours. Those are definitely tough hours just to be up and doing 4 days a week but I drive to the city from Stamford 2-3 days a week and I find it very doable early AM / late evening so I’m sure you’ll be ok!


Massive_Wash_9528 t1_j58hn7q wrote

Urby area is definitely safe and I’ve heard good things about Urby. As others have suggested you may want to check out Harbor Point since it’s even closer to the train (Urby is not that far either) and also a great place to walk a dog. Good luck!


Massive_Wash_9528 t1_j4ntqh7 wrote

Obviously you never know, but I find people on the Bartlett Arboretum trails to be pretty respectful of the leash law. I also think the trails are relatively wide enough that you could keep her away from other dogs relatively easily.