
t1_jed95z1 wrote

You can do many things to control blood sugar and to lower cholesterol not just cannabis so it’s not strictly some sort of panacea, but research shows it can help.

What confuses me about what you wrote is basically the idea that some kind of conspiracy exists to deny adolescents cannabis. There have been studies on the affects of cannabis on the adolescent brain for example This one from 2011 shows differences in brain tissue integrity following heavier marijuana use does predict future risky behaviors such as increased marijuana use and aggressive and delinquent behaviors many observational studies in humans imply a link between teen marijuana use and poor outcomes but are clouded by several potential confounding variables, such as socioeconomic circumstances or family mental health history. There does need to be more research but I doubt the conclusion will ever be “it’s so beneficial we recommend all children between 13-17 take it.” It’s always better to err on the side of caution and wait until their adults and brain has fully developed.


t1_j1glyjh wrote

State: Out:

Maine 252,688

New Hampshire 110,486

New York 94,723

Pennsylvania 87,231

Virginia 75,759

Massachusetts 70,000

North Carolina 64,758

Maryland 62,287

Connecticut 54,246

Vermont 42,159

Ohio 37,475

Kentucky 35,916

Texas 33,522

Tennessee 29,408

Michigan 23,222

New Jersey 22,732

Washington 19,589

Louisiana 17,888

West Virginia 14,319

Alaska 11,511

Top 20 states 1,159,919

Total nationwide 1,228,882


t1_ivcezad wrote

Though interesting the truth is not all substrates are created equally this is especially true for high functioning athletes that require X amount of energy for Y amount of time. Within skeletal muscles carbs can be utilized much faster than fat because the anaerobic conversion of glucose to ATP is more direct and involves less steps than oxidizing fat in the mitochondria. In addition to that fat cannot be taken up as efficiently into muscles during intense exercises. There’s a few reasons for that if anyone is interested I can detail those

Athletes being the key term here. For an average person not working out multiples X a day or numerous times a week the effects might be as negligible as this study claims.


t1_isvdn7n wrote

They tested at a very low dosage and if that had adverse effects my guess is the only thing they could do was not publish it and do further research to determine the length of the adverse effects. I don’t know what Mars Petcare primarily makes but I doubt they’d pull any CBD products off the shelves if they did find adverse effects. Whether or not they would be liable for making statements contrary to their own research is a grey area. In my experience at least very rarely will a private business pay for research and publish if it runs counter to their objective but it has happened usually due to them realizing any other researcher would inevitably come to the same conclusion.

That’s just my take*


t1_irogb4b wrote

Regarding your original point that those that stopped lost interest. There doesn’t seem to be any evidence linking what you’re saying about “attitude.” There is evidence showing lowered mobility in those that never started or those that stopped comparable to those that kept going but there doesn’t seem to be any real studies done on causation whether that be injury or lack of interest in those that stopped.


t1_irodr2y wrote

Great analysis. Most beginners don’t understand rpe and 1rpm I think it’s a good place to start.

I determine my 1 rep max: the amount of weight you can pick up in number of different exercises but particularly focused on compound (multi joint) lifts which include deadlift, bench press, squat and standing overhead shoulder press. With pretty good form not failing on form on a 1rpm is important it might cause you to overestimate what you can realistically do! This can be detrimental in the long term to your goals so make sure you have at least semi decent form and at least a intermediate understanding of the movement itself

With this info I subtract 25% from each lift and work from there as my new working set so for example if you can deadlift 500lbs (226kg) 75% of that is 375.

I would work within this number for 3 weeks. Increasing my sets by 1 every week in intervals of 2,3,4. When I can do 4 sets of 5 reps at this weight I now know I’m able to move up.

The next part is tricky and requires small understanding of your rate of perceived exertion: this will tell you if you are ready to increase by 2.5% or by 5%. Whichever it is it takes another 3 weeks at this weight to master it.

I do this for all my major compound lifts. Upon reaching 85% or sometimes even 87.5% of my 1rpm I redetermine my 1rpm. Almost always if this standard of progressive overload is followed you’re guaranteed an increase in overall strength and the central nervous system is accustomed to a heavier load.

Once I have my new 1rpm I began again at 75% of that and lift until I’m at 85-87.5% of that. At some point you will be lifting your old 1 rep max for sets. This takes time and patience and you might not always make it to where you’d like to be at that exact moment but in time you will.


t1_iqx3250 wrote

In NY (US) there was a law that passed not called “right to fail” but that was what it was known as amongst social workers and those dealing with the mental health crisis. One of the biggest issue was those with cognitive decline deemed eligible to live alone were often left to their own devices and felt marginalized/forgotten by society. Given a place to live but with no ostensible way to join and be part of the community or have people even check up on them to hear how they’re doing was the first and foremost reason why people would fail the program and have ongoing mental health issues regardless of autonomy. When the state provided with aid in the form of a 6-8 hour per day social worker to help them and engage them almost every person thrived.

Propublica covered this extensively