
t1_jaylyrc wrote

Had it last spring, started off as the worst migraine of my life and a 104 degree fever. Slept basically the first two days, felt a little better for a few days, didn’t have any respiratory symptoms until about a week in. Around the two week mark I lost smell/taste but only for a couple of days. Third week was pretty bad vertigo/brain fog and then that stupid sinus infection.

ETA I forgot about the body aches, those were bad the first week too. Just my clothes touching my skin hurt. Also ended up losing like 15 lbs cause all I ate for a week was crackers and Gatorade lol


t1_j7x4xx2 wrote

While I wholeheartedly agree, apparently the courts do not. Someone staying more than two weeks at your residence gains legal tenant rights vs just being a guest, even if they do not pay rent. It’s a shitshow. Last time I’ll ever be helping someone out in this way. Was a totally civil situation until today when I had the wrong door locked and suddenly she screaming about cops and court.


t1_j7wpnon wrote

I did not charge rent and we had a verbal conditional arrangement for her to stay a max of one year. This was amended to she needs to be out by April first. I drafted an eviction notice today to cover my ass and left it with the rest of her things but obviously she hasn’t received it because she’s not physically staying here. AFAIK property isn’t abandoned in Maine until either 60/90 days and I have every intention of letting her get her things but would prefer to be present so she doesn’t pull shady shit