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docskreba t1_ixytkrx wrote

Not even remotely a secret, but I like the tacky light tours. Lots of cool houses in the area. Although my favorite was always the one on Laburnum that synced their lights to music but I guess they don’t do it anymore?


hikerva t1_ixz3e3u wrote

I loved that house, too! I think I googled it last year & found a web page for them that said it was over.


stillceleste t1_ixzcxhn wrote

I've never done the tacky lights tour and I figured it would be something cool to show my parents. They are coming from outside of the US and never experienced an American Christmas before. Where does it start? What's the best way to drive around it? Any other places I should take them to get the full experience? Was thinking King's Dominion and/or the drive thru light show at Meadow park, the botanical gardens... What else?


SarahOnTheHill t1_ixzd6mb wrote

I love the houses on Wistar Court! We go to see them every year.


Ashbin t1_ixzphe9 wrote

I think my first time there might have been in the 1980s. In any event, amazing how long it has been kept up on Wister.


SarahOnTheHill t1_iy1w66b wrote

I just saw that this will be the last year for Mr. Christmas on Wistar!

The lights are great and the RTD article mentions he has raised over $175k for the Virginia Home for Boys and Girls with the donations he’s gathered from those of us who have enjoyed his displays.

Man, I am double making sure we do this now.


RV-Yay t1_ixzhayj wrote

RTD has a list / map of a lot of them in the area.

We did it a few years ago and just picked the ones closest to us to drive around. It was fun! We've been out of town the last two years, but we'll be here this year so we plan to do it again.


stillceleste t1_ixzhmg8 wrote

Thank you for this! I didn't know much about the tour. I somehow thought it was like one big strip but I see there are several locations. Picking the ones closest sounds like the way to go.


Ashbin t1_ixzp917 wrote

Have to agree. It's getting out to see the lights, and wondering just how far some people will go. Still amazing how people get power out to all that stuff if their yard/house is really loaded with lights without blowing a breaker.


Stitchmond t1_ixyxg19 wrote

Kinda bummed about the rain, I liked pretending I'd bike to get coffee this morning.


garfobo t1_ixz18pg wrote

I too am pretending that this rain is the only thing keeping me from my really ambitious plans to go and do squats for 2 hours.


[deleted] t1_ixz1i58 wrote



Stitchmond t1_ixze2mn wrote

There's times when biking in the rain is grade-A, fun-time, super stuff, but it's not first thing on a chilly November morning. I'm fortunate to have the privilege of choice to drive or bike but to those who have to bike or scooter or walk to get their needs and wants met, I say godspeed.


Kitty_gangv2 t1_ixzf74p wrote

You’re a troop lol I don’t even wanna walk to the car 😂😂


lycosid t1_ixznr7n wrote

I had dreams of doing all the yard work I had to put off yesterday


Ashbin t1_ixzso6b wrote

Depends on what it was going to be. A few of my neighbors blew leaves for hours the other day (including yesterday). With all the wind gusts we are having (and leaves falling), now they have to start over.


ChuckBS t1_ixyw1c5 wrote

Quite honestly, I don’t like the holidays that much. I know I should, but it’s a time of year that brings up unpleasant memories for me. That said, my neighbors are taking about wanting to do a tuk-tuk tacky light tour this year. Maybe that’ll be fun.


Davidm241 t1_ixz45s0 wrote

I’m right there with you. My Dad had a massive stroke Christmas Day last year. He lived, but isn’t the same. Christmas used to be my favorite holiday. This year I’m not feeling it at all.


Ashbin t1_ixzs027 wrote

My dad, several years ago, fell off the roof of the house (cleaning leaves off) just a couple of days after Christmas -- he passed away from massive head trauma. It wasn't the same after that.


Top-Painting-1301 t1_iy01stn wrote

I’m so sorry. Losing a parent is never easy, especially around the holidays ❤️


moxieenplace t1_ixzjz8e wrote

I’m so sorry, that sounds like a lot to process. I hope your holiday season ends up still having some good vibes this year.


foxcat505 t1_ixzh15y wrote

Yep the holidays get a lot tougher with age - I am always relieved when January comes around. Dreary? Yes! But at least the holidays are over. My family is historically dysfunctional and now we’ve settled into meeting up for holidays but don’t interact the rest of the year. Also have the same issue with unpleasant memories. Hanging with friends is def the way to go. Tuk tuk tour with neighbors sounds fun.


ChuckBS t1_ixziuuo wrote

Yeah, this year my partner and I just said “Let’s not do Christmas.” So we’re going on vacation over the holidays instead. It’ll be nice to just mail off some presents and not worry about anything else.


PickanickBasket t1_ixzko6q wrote

One of my favorite Christmases was spent on an island in Belize.


foxcat505 t1_ixzpe4m wrote

That’s a wonderful idea! Having a supportive and like minded partner is the best Christmas gift. I’m still waiting for mine but a psychic said they are right around the corner.


ChuckBS t1_ixzqbyx wrote

There’s rarely been a day in the past ten years where I haven’t told her how lucky I feel to have her in my life. I hope your psychic is right.


popeboyQ t1_ixyu37l wrote

This is my first Holiday season in RVA. It's kinda lonely to be honest.

Loving the rain though, gives me a reason to keep my robe on all day.


ZephyrInfernum t1_ixyvczc wrote

Holidays can be especially lonely. You can always DM me if you feel the need to chat.

I kinda want a robe, now.


popeboyQ t1_ixyvu8o wrote

Hey thanks!

I've got extra robes. Nicest ones from all types of hotels.


ZephyrInfernum t1_ixz2wlo wrote

Aww shiz! Which hotel has the best robes (so far)?


popeboyQ t1_ixz337n wrote

The Princess in Scottsdale, AZ. Holy shit, it's like draping yourself in a cloud.


ZephyrInfernum t1_ixz3upd wrote

Oh, I've been there! Didn't try the robes, but.

That being said, you couldn't pay me to go back to Phoenix or the surrounding valley cities. I moved back here for a reason.

You travel out that way, much?


popeboyQ t1_ixz43hn wrote

I lived out there until recently. An old friend used to work there, hooked me up on sweet cheap stays.

I'm so happy to be out of "The Valley of the Sun". That shit melted my brain.


ZephyrInfernum t1_ixzab2p wrote

My man.

I couldn't stand how unintelligent folks were out there. That state has some of the worst education standards and it shows. The other thing I couldn't stand was how superficial it all was. Los Angeles Lite


popeboyQ t1_ixzakl9 wrote

Exactly! And now the rent prices are comparable to LA.

AZ can lick my blow-hole.


FeralCheshireKitten t1_ixzyfw4 wrote

Do they sell and ship these? I've been struggling with a christmas gift for hubby. He could definitely use a new robe though!


Ashbin t1_ixzqgf2 wrote

> Holidays can be especially lonely.

It gets slowly worse as you age. In the 1990s we still had big family gatherings. Now most older relatives, grandparents, parents, and other family have passed on. A lot of friends also.

Looking back, Christmas, while always special, is really something when you are a kid. Half the time you couldn't fully sleep the night before.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_ixyxgzp wrote

My trash is collected once a week, my recycling every two weeks. For my household this is backwards. We can fill our recycling bin in a week, but our trashcan generally takes two or three to fill.

Does this match anyone else's experience?


coconut_sorbet t1_ixz6ru2 wrote

Same here. Fortunately the Robin Hood dropoff spot is convenient for us, so we occasionally end up taking the overflow there.


SarahOnTheHill t1_ixze5ta wrote

Somehow we have three recycle bins. We can rotate them to keep the cardboard under control.

And our neighbors tried to gift us a regular bin full of leaves so we rolled that sucker back across the alley.


coconut_sorbet t1_ixzan1l wrote

I swear, this is the year I will participate in the Cone Parade on January 1st!


simongarfuk t1_iy1bx3b wrote

Yesss thank you for reminding me!!! I saw this for the first time in 2020 when I was living across from the Aquarian. Swore I’d do it the next year, then covid


fractalflatulence t1_ixytu5v wrote

Not really but the grand illumination in Colonial Williamsburg is Dickensian in ways and worth the trip


PickanickBasket t1_ixz6xvo wrote

We've gone to colonial Williamsburg during the holiday season a few times and it's actually very lovely. The decorations, carolers, and hot beverages are all very comforting and quaint. "Dickensian" is an accurate description.


stillceleste t1_ixzdehd wrote

I just posted a reply to another post. I'm looking for things to do with my parents who will be visiting for the holidays from outside of the US. I was thinking of Williamsburg. Where exactly is this place with the carolers? I think they will love that.


fractalflatulence t1_ixzdqcm wrote

Colonial Williamsburg right in the historic downtown by the college of William and Mary.

all the info you should need should be available on the Colonial Williamsburg website regarding events schedules


BonMarzi2 t1_iy1o4tp wrote

If they're here and you don't have plans for Christmas Eve, there's usually a wonderful concert at the Abby Aldrich museum at CW with a gentleman who plays the hammer dulcimer. It's usually around 4 or 5 pm and gets out in time for the firing of the canons.


GrayRVA t1_ixz04o1 wrote

Last year I made a divisive post about going to At Home during the holiday season. I’m trying to avoid that store until after I get my Charlie Brown Christmas tree fully decorated because buying pink ornaments > my willpower to keep my home pink-free.


PickanickBasket t1_ixz6jtc wrote

Lol At Home is the Walmart of Home Goods. Last year I got my brother a "hers" pillow I couldn't find a "his" match of. Told him he could offer it to ladies when he had them over.


GrayRVA t1_ixzjzqt wrote

The pillow aisles haunt me to this day.


coconut_sorbet t1_ixz6n8x wrote

Aww, I'd forgotten about this gem of a post!


GrayRVA t1_ixzjpuy wrote

Shucks, friend. I almost forgot about it too and my first thought was “wonder if it’s worthy of revisiting?” It totally is worth it. That check out lane was OG cell phone snake game.


McFlare92 t1_ixyu5bs wrote

I'm equally as sick as yesterday and I am not having a good time


ZephyrInfernum t1_ixyvmyt wrote

Have you tried feeling better? Other people have it worse!/s

Being sick sucks, I'm sorry you had to deal with this during a holiday weekend. Seriously, get well.


McFlare92 t1_ixyvoof wrote

Going to try your suggestion now I'll report back later


molluskich t1_ixyvsa4 wrote

Same. I've tried a steamy shower, decongestants, standing on my head. I am in so much pain from the sinus pressure. Someone please put me out of my misery


CrucioCup t1_ixz2dq2 wrote

Hold your breath & walk briskly from one side of the room to the other & back. Then breathe. It clears your nose but only very briefly /: but if the pressure gets too much, a minute of relief may be better than none?


McFlare92 t1_ixyvv05 wrote

I stood in the shower for at least half an hour this morning as well. Still feel like hell


AidCookKnow OP t1_ixyvvd1 wrote

Samesies. For a change of scenery, I check out a different box of tissues in a different room.


what-the-what24 t1_ixz9i80 wrote

I am coming up on week two of whatever this is (not Covid or flu). Showering multiple times a day and taking mucinex like candy is the only way I can manage this terrible cough. I’ve also been incredibly tired and, once I get the cough under control, sleep up to 10 hours a night plus 2-3 hour daily naps.


Ashbin t1_ixzr4ql wrote

Some doctors have reported seeing RSV in some adults. It's rare, but not impossible.


adognamedgoat t1_ixyxflj wrote

Am also sick (not covid) and it is not a good time. I wonder how my body can produce this much snot. I'm on Day 3 of feeling bad. I'm grateful it has not thus far turned into a terrible cough as I already had an 8 week covid cough once this year.


PickanickBasket t1_ixz6mtq wrote

My mother just came down with something nasty. Not COVID, according to the at home tests, but it hit her hard and fast.

Hope you feel better soon, friend.


ZephyrInfernum t1_ixyvh41 wrote

People watching gets especially good this time of year.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_ixz05yg wrote

Why is that? Ugly sweaters?


ZephyrInfernum t1_ixz3b70 wrote

Seasonal attire choices are part of it.

This is the misanthrope in me talking; people are also more likely to get into petty arguments with their loved ones and strangers as the stress of Christmas day approaches. I love watching people get all out of shape for the capitalist aspect of a religious holiday.


No-Step3370 t1_ixz4zho wrote

As others said, can’t go wrong with a tacky light tour or Lewis Ginter.

As for today, we’re going to decorate for Christmas which is my favorite… and try to ignore my Sunday Scaries since I’ve been off for a week and actually didn’t work much at all. Tomorrow should be fun 🥴


BubbleWrapGuy t1_ixz17ux wrote

The past two nights I’ve been helping out as a vendor at KD’s Winterfest and I gotta say it’s pretty neat. Tons of lights, music, characters, hot drinks and warm treats. They do a great job with the atmosphere. It’s a lot more fun than I expected. I’m excited to go check it all out when we’re not working.


lyrabjade t1_ixzc0n0 wrote

Have an unexpected Sunday off (I work weekends), so I’m taking my children to eat pancakes at Lakeside Love Shack, then heading to the Science Museum for our post-Thanksgiving tradition of seeing the model train show & then we’re going to pick out our Christmas tree to decorate tonight!


AidCookKnow OP t1_ixyuuig wrote

I grew up here and never went to Lewis Ginter for some reason, but a visit to the lights at least once is a must for us now.


leethalweapons t1_ixz2val wrote

Went for the first time last year, definitely going to try to make it a tradition with my wife.


alexfromjupiter t1_ixz5yj0 wrote

gonna start going through cookie recipes and getting things together to bake christmas cookies (we start early and freeze them) and make some plates for friends!


stickynohte t1_ixz7u8f wrote

What I want to do today: finish decorating for Christmas, start planning out some gifts, read. What I’m doing today: going to a wedding.


Boopadoopeedo t1_ixza8b7 wrote

I love the rain! I’m still in my pajamas, have a cup of coffee, going to curl up in a chair by the window, throw on a handmade blanket, and read a book.


dj1200techniques t1_ixzbhdh wrote

That sounds lovely. I also love the rain. Bought a bunch of beer. Gonna throw the recliner back and watch Spain v Germany in a bit.


MissLauraCroft t1_ixywsdb wrote

Every year we drive through that one street in Walton Park (Midlothian) where almost all the houses have tacky lights. Just went last night! It’s nice with kids bc you don’t even have to get out of the car. Also the Tacky Lights Tour in general.

Lewis Ginter is nice to go to every few years. It’s time for me to go again because last time several years ago we forgot snacks and my kid had a meltdown and we had to leave early. Don’t have kids.

This isn’t cool or insider at all, but I love walking around Short Pump mall around Christmas.


what-the-what24 t1_ixza8bd wrote

This year we graduated to having a small table top Christmas tree. I thought I’d be much older when this happened but now realize that I’m pretty much the same age as my grandparents when one set started decorating only the top section of their artificial tree and the other started decorating their potted Norwegian pine.


thephartmacist t1_ixznwro wrote

We go see lights, of course, but always include the reindeer at the James Center where I proposed to my wife. Right next to one’s ass.

She’s stuck with the kids in this rain today and I’m at work. Hate it when it works out that way.


AidCookKnow OP t1_ixzxfwy wrote

I've always loved the James Center reindeer. It's like, a shadow of it's former self though. Anybody know what happened? And more importantly, how we can bring it back?!


Zero_990 t1_ixz0kfb wrote

Study day since got license renewal coming up. Any study spot suggestions? I usually hit the vcu library or brewers (not anymore), need some new spots !


AidCookKnow OP t1_ixz26ay wrote

I love Libbie Mill library, but it's not open til the afternoon on Sundays.

Side note, who wants to join me in my petition to have the libraries open normal hours on the weekends?!


Zero_990 t1_ixzblqk wrote

Thank you and my high early brain just searched study but this helped ! Will do better next time 😂


kernjb t1_ixzgzt3 wrote

There used to be a holiday spectacular showcase at the Byrd. I made it twice and then it stopped. 10/10 would go every year if it was still around.


GOODronin t1_ixzlval wrote

Just went to the holiday model train exhibit at the Science Museum today (I think today is the last day). Amazing for kids and adults alike, tons of cool panoramas. Went early in the morning and now it’s pretty crowded, but totally worth it. Especially on this rainy day!


glitterwitch8 t1_ixzxp28 wrote

This is my favorite weather, especially on a Sunday. It gives you an excuse to stay home and do nothing (my absolute favorite thing to do).

So far I’ve had coffee, made oatmeal, and just made some party burgers to eat while watching football. Need to read up on my pregnancy books (we’re expecting in March). At some point we’ll decorate the tree, go to a sound bath yoga class this afternoon, then I’ll make zuppa toscana for dinner. 😌


skylander495 t1_ixzyo6o wrote

Does anyone know of any very large dog parks around? I'm trying to train my dog to be ok off leash and I need a large fenced area in case the dog wants to run off


gettingbackrva t1_iy0a9pf wrote

Short pump dog park has a large fenced in area for big dogs.


BabyBat07 t1_iy0i7ho wrote

Bf and I went out to buy lights and decorations for the house, if it had stopping raining before he had to work we probably would have got our tree, but of course as soon as he goes in it’s sunny.


jsheil1 t1_iy13tdv wrote

Tacky light tours, light show at Meadow Events Park. If I have time, Lewis Gintner gardens.