
MonsieurGideon t1_it3rhvy wrote

She has been a shining example of how a judge should act in the face of an out of control defendant.

She stroked his ego early on and let him think he was on their level, and now he has realized how absolutely put of his league he is and the amount of evidence against him.

All his tactics to get a mistrial or appeal later have been handled perfectly by the judge and prosecutors.


MonsieurGideon t1_it3qhfe wrote

He is playing lawyer and is objecting to every witness, piece of evidence and question from the prosecution. He is yelling about things not bring relevant that are literally videos of him committing the crime lol.

He is a complete moron who absolutely believes he is the smartest one in the room, even as the Judge has to correct his spelling and grammar.

While a tragic crime, it's kind of a funny trial due to how stupid he is.


MonsieurGideon t1_it3oxl7 wrote

So far his defense has been (he's representing himself):

He has the right to face his accuser, and as the state of Wisconsin is the plaintiff, he should be let go because he cannot call Wisconsin to testify..

He honked his horn so it's the parade goers fault for not getting out of the way..

He swerved out of the way of some people, and had nowhere to go because side streets had flimsy plastic blockades..

The injured parties (the people he killed) are not testifying against him so those charges should be thrown out..

It wasn't him driving as he claims to be a sovereign citizen and no longer goes by his name..

His name was in capital letters on the charging documents, which isn't how he spells it, so it's not him..

No one he hit got the license plate so they can't prove it was the car he was in possession of.