Nastypilot t1_jcktg72 wrote
Reply to comment by SerialStateLineXer in Loss of Menin helps drive the aging process, and dietary supplement can reverse it in mice by geoxol
In fact, we're pretty close to achieving it.
Nastypilot t1_jav65sy wrote
Reply to comment by pastpresentfuturetim in Figure: One robot for every human on the planet. by GodOfThunder101
Oh no, I want the led faces to stay
Nastypilot t1_jarxiip wrote
Reply to comment by godog in Figure: One robot for every human on the planet. by GodOfThunder101
Alright, thank you, that answered my question a bit.
Nastypilot t1_jarwanq wrote
Reply to comment by jambokk in Figure: One robot for every human on the planet. by GodOfThunder101
Huh, interesting.
Nastypilot t1_jarvg0m wrote
Reply to comment by jambokk in Figure: One robot for every human on the planet. by GodOfThunder101
Er, that doesn't really answer my question, I grew up in 2010's, earliest memory I have is from 2009, I have no frame of reference for the 90's.
Nastypilot t1_jar7ogz wrote
Reply to comment by Llort_Ruetama in Figure: One robot for every human on the planet. by GodOfThunder101
Also there's a cat...
Nastypilot t1_jar6jv8 wrote
Reply to comment by pastpresentfuturetim in Figure: One robot for every human on the planet. by GodOfThunder101
Can I just say, whatever the future, I love the fact everyone seemingly decided to give robots funny LED faces.
Nastypilot t1_jar58pc wrote
Reply to comment by Ricky_Rollin in Figure: One robot for every human on the planet. by GodOfThunder101
Question as a person born in 2005: What changed technologically since 1990's?
Nastypilot t1_j9oj68l wrote
Reply to comment by Darth_Kahuna in Obesity can cause changes in the brain similar to Alzheimer's by Darth_Kahuna
Huh, interesting, quickly read the article, I'm actually really happy this is a thing, not only is it another reason why we should get thinner, it also may validate some of my personal theories that I hope to work on in the future.
Nastypilot t1_j4kp94z wrote
Reply to comment by Newsmemer in Neighbors say store uses loud opera music to push away homeless by jab116
This is unrelated, but I think the gym I'm going to plays Cbat on speakers as gym music and I've began wondering if I should lift to the rhythm.
Nastypilot t1_ixcyksa wrote
Reply to comment by red75prime in Expert Proposes a Method For Telling if We All Live in a Computer Program by garden_frog
I really don't get why every time on a post like this there are always people advocating psychedelics.
Nastypilot t1_iwvtxvd wrote
Reply to comment by beachmike in When does an individual's death occur if the biological brain is gradually replaced by synthetic neurons? by NefariousNaz
Well, if it is not by experience of a thing, we can know a thing, then I do not know how else can we know? Imagining how the thing should function?
As far as I can tell, "the hard problem of conciousness" is not a a fully accepted fact within neuroscience, as such, I will not comment on it. Though, since I take the stance of a determinist, I think the experience of the color red is shaped by how culture imbues symbolism onto a wavelenght, and previous positive or negative responses towards red things.
Nastypilot t1_iwvrgp3 wrote
Reply to comment by beachmike in When does an individual's death occur if the biological brain is gradually replaced by synthetic neurons? by NefariousNaz
But we can indeed observe and quantify red. Can we do the same for concioussness though? We can not, what we perceive as concioussness, is an emergent property of our brain, or simply a non-existent thing.
Nastypilot t1_iwugwfs wrote
Reply to comment by red75prime in When does an individual's death occur if the biological brain is gradually replaced by synthetic neurons? by NefariousNaz
The brain is known to lie to us. It's actually a fairly usual things for the brain to make-up or distort things in an effort to maintain consistency of thoughts, beliefs, and actions. You can easily observe an example by pointing out a person doing something they consider as against their stated beliefs, the brain in such case will make up anything to appear as if there never was any inconsistency. If a brain makes up false memories, a person will still act according to these memories as if they were real.
Nastypilot t1_iwufr9k wrote
Reply to comment by beachmike in When does an individual's death occur if the biological brain is gradually replaced by synthetic neurons? by NefariousNaz
If it is not quantifiable or measurable in some way, then by empirical principles, it does not exist.
Nastypilot t1_iwuattn wrote
Reply to comment by ronnyhugo in When does an individual's death occur if the biological brain is gradually replaced by synthetic neurons? by NefariousNaz
Assuming that synthetic neurons would have the same properties and could seamlessly interact with our organic tissue, then it would not be death.
Our body is a ship of Theseus many times over, your cells function, die, and get replaced with new cells on and on.
Neuron replacement is different only so much that neurons typically do not get replaced once the brain is fully grown. But the process would be no different than the natural replacement of your blood every few days, the replacement of your skeleton every 15 years, or the replacement of your skin every few weeks.
Our thought patterns and electric signals would simply take over the synthetic neuronal cells as organic cells become a minority.
Unless of course, the argument is merely a rephrasing of the tech-phobic idea that somehow human-made things are inherently worse.
Nastypilot t1_iuow40e wrote
Reply to comment by juttaFIN in PsBattle: Heidi Klum dressed as a worm for Halloween by Shablahdoo
Tell me you never read God Emperor of Dune without telling me you never read God Emperor of Dune /s
Nastypilot t1_iu4664v wrote
Reply to comment by jezra in World’s 1st bulker powered by wind sails into Port of Newcastle by edweirdmuybridge
My God, sail-powered ships! I can't believe it! What will they think of next?! /s
Nastypilot t1_je8y3p7 wrote
Reply to comment by Cryptizard in The argument that a computer can't really "understand" things is stupid and completely irrelevant. by hey__bert
>But, you can also convince it that 2+2=5 by telling it that is true enough times
The same is true for humans though, it's essentially what gaslighting is. Though if I can use a less malicious example, think of a colorblind person, how do they know grass is green? Everyone told them so.