
NerdyRedneck45 t1_j140jqr wrote

I completely redid it without reusing the hydronic baseboard.

About $5k total including the tech coming out to charge it with refrigerant.

All the baseboard was rusted to heck and it’s nice to have the a/c now too. There are hot water heat pump options but i’d imagine they’re way harder to DIY. And much more expensive.


NerdyRedneck45 t1_j13y1xb wrote

I bought a mini split heat pump because I could DIY it after my chimney for my oil boiler gave out. (Whole wall behind it rotted out.) Turned out to be a blessing in disguise… I’d have gone absolutely broke paying for oil this winter.

I have been supplementing with a wood stove for the super cold nights.


NerdyRedneck45 t1_j0o5sno wrote

We have Bridgestone Blizzaks on my Subaru Outback between November and April. I took it for a test when I first got them up in the gamelands around Sandy Ridge and was blown away by how well they worked. I also keep chains in the car (Auto-Trac from Walmart, about $90/pair).

I ordered them from Tire Rack pre-mounted on rims so I can change them out myself each season. No complaints so far.


NerdyRedneck45 t1_is6k9jb wrote

Those last two lines really sum it up. This is such a huge issue and we need way more support for families.

I do really want to push back on the idea that all “unsubstantiated” reports are wrong though. When I was a teacher, I had some really ironclad cases of child abuse that couldn’t be substantiated by the agency. There’s nothing worse than knowing what’s going on and not being able to do anything about it. Had some real dark vigilante thoughts, which is part of why I left the field. (Along with poverty pay, no support, and everything else everyone is aware of.)


NerdyRedneck45 t1_irub3cb wrote

Any mountain road is great right now. For your area, any that go over the Allegheny Front have nice views- I-80 near Snow Shoe, 144 paralleling it, 504 toward Black Moshannon, Beaver Road, 322, etc.

Edit: Wait I just recommended black mo to this same person on another sub for another reason a few weeks ago. That’s funny.