
NoMoreLandBro t1_j29bwnt wrote

Is this what mooning looks like to you? 1 month chart.

I guess if you started shorting at the very bottom at peak negative sentiment you lost money. Otherwise could have shorted any other time in the past month and been profitable.


NoMoreLandBro t1_j22sh59 wrote

Explain what will happen to the builders inventories currently unsold due to cancelled contracts and the ones that will be finished in coming months?

Recession means unemployment. JPOW raising rates.

AirBNB investors getting crushed. What if they sell their properties? Inventory goes higher. Builders need to lower prices even more for unsold inventory.

Cost of new home stays the same since labor costs high but costs of existing homes drops. Fewer will choose to buy new builds.


NoMoreLandBro t1_j22o4jm wrote

I am bearish on them. Been following r/rebubble for years and we hit peak market about six months ago. Builders are dropping prices and still getting cancelled contracts. Double whammy. Theyll be forced to sell existing inventory at a loss meanwhile no demand to build anything new.

I decided to straight up short them. I don’t like buying options on stocks with high bid/ask spreads. Thinly traded options. Then when you go to sell, you take a substantial hit on the spread.

I just went short about $10k on each of the big ones. Opened up the positions over the last few weeks. Not worried about margin call if they shoot up because I have more than enough t-bills to back it up. Also note my $0 value Sberbank position. Thanks, Brandon! 🤡

Also not listed in the screenshot is $100k of GDXJ. If the fed does pivot and restart QE then my shorts against home builders and QQQ and FB will be crushed but gold will go to $4,000 and gold miners will 10x. If the fed doesn’t pivot, gold still on track for $3k soon and gold miners could 2x to 3x. Portfolio hedge here where regardless of what happens, I shouldn’t be blown out and should be positioned to profit.


NoMoreLandBro OP t1_iyeih22 wrote

Thanks! I received a compliment from a friend that it’s impressive even though I basically matched the index, because my volatility was so much lower.

Honestly also I hold a ton of cash. So basically, the non-cash positions I held have massively beat the index, and the cash acted as a drag. But, like you say, risk management, I like having the cash, it leads to lower volatility and gives me more options.


NoMoreLandBro OP t1_iydx0xc wrote

No specific plays, I try not to guess week to week. The longer out you are predicting a trend, the better chance of success.

If I had to guess, JPOW going to say some shit to shock the markets. I think he wants the SP500 down to 3,000.

So, I am short, see other comments in this thread for my specifics, but the shorts are not short-dated puts. My puts are for 6+ months out. So I’m wrong, I’ll just sit and hold. I wont get margin called I have 250k cash in t-bills. And only shorting around 100k.

If we get a Santa rally, I plan to sell ITM naked calls on tech stocks and buy deeper OTM Calls to hedge my downside risk. Santa rally will pump up IV and in general you want to sell options into high vol, and buy options in low vol times.


NoMoreLandBro OP t1_iydty03 wrote

Step 1 is get a 200k/year consulting job.

Step 2 is don’t lose it on crypto and 0DTE options

Step 3 is become interested in macro economics, spend a decade reading books and in your free time watch YouTube videos of people discussing current macro trends.

Step 4 apply critical thinking

Example: Peter Schiff recently said Walmart shoppers are putting more stuff on credit cards. From point of sale register data.

And he interpreted that to mean Walmart shoppers are going into debt to buy food.

I interpret it differently. Walmart has said they are stealing market share from Target as people downgrade their lifestyle. Well, target customers have more rewards credit cards than Walmart shoppers. So if Walmart experiences a transition where they get 20% more customers from Target, I’d expect 20% more credit card to debit card sales. Since the poor legacy Walmart customers are the ones with fucked credit who must use debit cards and not earn cash back rewards.

I can’t do anything with this piece of data, just mention it to use critical thinking and interpret things differently than the experts.


NoMoreLandBro OP t1_iydqc2b wrote

Position sizing. My taxable account is where I do most of the shorting and I’m 70k long gold miners, 15k long gun stocks, 15k long divita.

15k short QQQ

20k short home builders

25k long dated puts on Tesla, Facebook, and amazon

If we have a Christmas rally, my tech shorts will be crushed but my long positions should outperform enough to compensate. And even though the puts will be further OTM, the IV will spike so they wont drop as much.

Homebuilder shorts because r/REBubble and I think Papa J will will be more hawkish the market expects and mortgages will be 10%+ next year as they raise rates and sell MBS off their balance sheet or simply dont roll maturing MBS. Builders are making houses they wont be able to sell because when built, theyll be worth less than the materials, and also rates will be much higher and buyers will back off.

OR papa J pivots, my shorts get crushed, and my 400k+ retirement account with 80% commodity producers soars. I’ll get tax deductions for my losses in the shorts and my retirement accounts grows tax-free and/or tax-deferred.


NoMoreLandBro OP t1_iydbyd2 wrote

I short stocks, I buy puts, I sell naked calls. If the IV is high, I might short rather than buy puts because I don’t want to eat the IV.

If the IV is super high I might sell deep OTM naked calls, to harvest the premium. I might also buy an even deeper OTM call to hedge my potential downside risk.

Currently selling naked calls on SEDG. Shorting QQQ and home builders. Puts on Amazon and Facebook and Tesla.

I don’t like puts on home builders because they are thinly traded and the spread is too high. So I just short them.