
NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_itly8jt wrote

I’m talking Philly fans in general. We are assholes and we shouldn’t hide from it. It’s what makes us special. We threw D-Cells at JD Drew, we threw snowballs at Santa and Jimmy Johnson, told a 100+ year old woman from Minnesota to go fuck herself. We made fun of Joe Jurevicious’ dead son. Hell, one of us threw up on a small child from our own fanbase out of pure spite. To run away from the asshole label is to reject your own humanity. Embrace it and be the asshole we all are.


NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_is106i2 wrote

St. Joes or Temple. Temple is my personal flavor, but St. Joes has a much better mascot and their arena is much more fun to watch a game at. Temple has cheaper seats and probably a better team this year. Temple is also way easier to get to.

Penn is also an option, but the atmosphere at the Palestra has been ass for years unfortunately.

If you truly want a shit experience, go to Drexel or LaSalle games. That’s a ball of sadness.

My best advice I guess is to go to a game at each stadium to see who you like. Experiment a little.