
PuzzleheadedOne1428 t1_j6p3i2j wrote

Tough to say. I mean, I am pretty happy with who I am now but looking back at it I would say I was at my best in my early 30s. I owned a house, I had a stable job and some solid people around me. It soon then all crumbled but I look back at those days with envy. I know I need to appreciate what I have and how I have gotten here but I do wish I was living those days again.


PuzzleheadedOne1428 t1_itle49k wrote

Nott really. I mean, we're not assholes, we are just honest. Fans booed Machado and Soto and even cheered Santa. Now, they may be more civil in comparison to Eagles fans but a partial reason is because that base gets so amped up and drunk while tailgating. There's also more alcohol involved, which does away with inhibitions and let's the testosterone flow.

These may be excuses but all Philly sports fans are grouped together. Truth is, we tell it how it is. We don't tolerate softies like Ben Simmons. We will be straight up. Love ya when you're good and criticize when you aren't performing to your potential. We are as honest as they come.