
NonDeterministiK t1_jbxcrot wrote

Underrated town & I prefer it to Brat. Look at the size & ornamentation of the houses on Atkinson St and you can see it was once a wealthy town but then got quite gritty for a few decades. Classic film wednesdays at the Opera House is great. The fish ladder is supposed to be an attraction but I've never seen it open. Check out the funky old train station with antique bathrooms. The Vilas bridge is attractive and would be an asset to the town if they could reopen it (closed since 2009).


NonDeterministiK t1_j6kw9x7 wrote

The Vermonter used to be called the Montrealer. The line is still there, and yet it still ends in St Albans after 2 decades. Why is it taking so long to reopen the last short leg to Montreal? This would greatly increase the ridership on the Vermonter, which is now basically empty once it exits Burlington.


NonDeterministiK t1_j22ah7k wrote

It is sad because who wants to see Vermont become a NO TRESPASSING type of state. Who wants cellular cameras watching them when taking a walk in the woods? And the reasons - social change, lack of courtesy, incomers without knowledge of traditions, but also old-timers who feel they have inherited rights, or perhaps there is just a general degradation of human decency? On my rural street not a single property is posted including many farms with hundreds of acres. A neighbor recently got on gamecam another (fairly new) neighbor cutting a christmas tree on his land. Solved by polite request not to do it again without asking. I'm pretty certain if somebody posted the neighbors would all ask "why did you post?" so it's not the norm where I am.


NonDeterministiK t1_izm5wv2 wrote

Is it sudden and new? Source of headaches can originate elsewhere in the body. I'm not in VT at the moment (overseas) but started getting severe migraines for a week and couldn't sleep. Also noticed I had a bite mark near the groin. Turns out I got bitten by a f***ing tick which introduced a pathogen (not lyme) which migrated to my head and eventually can cause encephalitis.


NonDeterministiK t1_ixwt10t wrote

Vermont is not generally a "get off my land" type of place like I've seen elsewhere. Though of course people will not tolerate anyone trashing or abusing their property, I think there is a sense that it is somewhat selfish/uncivil to post one's property. Share the beauty, and others will do likewise.