
Not_the_sharpest_1 t1_j45f2jd wrote

I'm doing that because I know the street I'm looking for is coming up, but some dickhead always steals the sign and it's not a well-marked road so I don't wanna shoot past it cause the next turn around is like, 200 feet away. Why don't they just name it something other than "Weed Ave" ffs?


Not_the_sharpest_1 t1_isgpla6 wrote

While I do understand it may seem to have a troubling association, it is simply named after the original proprietor, Thomas White. He and his business partner Michael Power bought the place together, with Thomas' wife Mary running the place day-to-day. Michael sold his stake to the couple a few years later and they shortened the name of the store at that time.

In consideration of current sensibilities, I think they should consider renaming again. I think it'd be great if they would use the wife's maiden name instead. That way you could still have it named after the family, the troubling association would be gone, and Mary Klan would finally get the recognition she is due for all the work she put into keeping the place running.

None of this is true (as far as I know).