
Ok_Caterpillar4181 t1_ixzf51l wrote

I enjoy the Johnny Cash. I even used to cover it when I was into music. It's one of his best songs really. It had a lot of meaning bc he was older at the time. It just makes sense.


Ok_Caterpillar4181 t1_ix7neq9 wrote

That's interesting and I didn't know that. I myself started with poetry and then moved to song writing and then once no one wanted to play my songs I learned how to play guitar so I could sing them myself. Since I couldn't sing for shit and preferred acoustic I naturally got into Dylan. I actually started as a rapper but that's another story lmao. From Tupac to Bob Dylan. Then came religion and my fall from religion or leaving religion. So hallelujah has taken on deeper more symbolic meaning in my life. I've kinda lived it in a sense. Music just takes a lot and doesn't give much back, at least the way I was doing it. Which was probably wrong and why I stopped. There are songs that come inspired in ten or fifteen minutes and that's cool but I do respect someone sticking with a song and fine tuning it until it is perfect or as close to perfect as they can get. I'm sure both artist have experienced both.


Ok_Caterpillar4181 t1_ix7mccp wrote

This conversation isn't even cohesive or coherent anymore bc you keep editing your post instead of just adding replies. Nonetheless my opinion is still my opinion. You've not offered any songs comparable to the depth or insight of hallelujah which was the starting point of all this.


Ok_Caterpillar4181 t1_ix7m3o5 wrote

I'm not trying to win an argument I'm simply saying although I enjoy Bob Dylan he is overrated. I was attempting to find common ground and letting you know I'm not anti Dylan. I just don't like the rambling songs...and he does ramble. I'm only aware of a few of his songs that tell an actual story. Maybe you could share a song or two that isn't pretentious rambling.


Ok_Caterpillar4181 t1_ix7jqyc wrote

Why do you keep editing you replies to make it seem like you know what you're talking about? Are you googling things to insert into your arguments to make yourself seem more knowledgeable than you actually are?


Ok_Caterpillar4181 t1_ix7jnvz wrote

Interesting comparison. Just because someone writes a lot of songs doesn't make them a great songwriter. And most of Dylan's stuff was just him rambling and talking about stuff. And it's boring. Basically AM radio. Talk Radio. He had some good songs yes. Again I enjoy Bob Dylan's few good songs. But overall...eh... overrated. If you're at a part are you pulling out Bob Dylan or MJ and Elvis?


Ok_Caterpillar4181 t1_ix7iajz wrote

I like Bob Dylan and even know a few of his songs and play them on the ol guitar. As far as your reference goes I believe Elvis played a larger role in the evolution of that progression than Dylan. Even if all along the watchtower is one of my favorite songs still doesn't hold a candle to Hallelujah.
