
Ok_Cranberry_1936 t1_jcs6gwd wrote

>They're focusing on this and not, more militarily focused war crimes, like killing POWs

This first sentence shows you don't know whats happening. Kidnapping these children is a form of Genocide. The take these kids back to Russia, raise them as Russians and the kids will forget about their parents and their homeland. What they have done is sinister to the nth degree.

Don't get me wrong, obviously killing POW's is a war crime, and is despicable. But killing people who (generally) sign up for war is much different than brainwashing innocent children.


Ok_Cranberry_1936 t1_j6pia54 wrote

I never said anything otherwise?

Idk what your deal is. Sounds like you're saying if something isn't eliminated 100% there is no use.

Cleaning or dusting with polyester isn't a need. Using polyester while living in an arctic climate is.

I'm not going to keep going back and fourth with you over nothing. Hope you educate yourself in the future.


Ok_Cranberry_1936 t1_j6p1vwx wrote

Microfiber is a type of polyester.

Polyester has lots of legitimate uses in the world.

Cleaning is not one of them. Nor is drying your hair (most, if not all hair drying towels are made of Microfiber). Which is why I comment when I can. Most people have no idea Microfiber sheds millions of microplastics every time it is used.

But say, for outdoor gear, which could literally save your life, is a fair use of plastic fabrics.


Ok_Cranberry_1936 t1_j6m3c40 wrote

Hijacking this comment to beg people to please stop using microfiber!! There are so many other fabrics that work just as well, if not better. Without releasing millions of microplastics every time they are wetted, rinsed, wiped washed and ofcourse dried using a dryer. Please use literally any other fabric.


Ok_Cranberry_1936 t1_j5z3wsz wrote

I'm born and raised in Vancouver. Been to Seattle hundreds of times. Family has a cabin in Birch Bay. Worked over 15 years in restaurants and hotels. I guarantee myself, and 90% of every coworker I've had in my career could pick Americans out of a line up, without fail, without them saying a word.