
OriginalObscurity t1_jb3xuxa wrote

Also, if you get in front of a judge that’ll waive your ticket, there’s not a single one that’ll remove the offense from your record, so your insurance company is gonna be prorating any money you might save on getting the fine waived by jacking up your premium because you demonstrated you’re a risk to insure.


OriginalObscurity t1_j9b3akl wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Tweksberry, MA? by awaythrowing333

Yeah, y’all has become a lot less regionalized to the south over the past decade or so; and as a lifetime MA resident I’m always up for shortened words with as few consonant sounds as possible 😂


OriginalObscurity t1_j60ms7c wrote

Nah, obliquely anti-trans talking point created out of thin air by the Michigan GOP - Source (Snopes, w/references)

I say obliquely anti-trans because the originator of the lie made a point to say the imaginary litter boxes were for kids who identify as cats; real POS


OriginalObscurity t1_j5w3gkd wrote

Just pay like $25-$75 to rent a pickup from Hone Depot or a similar amount to grab a UHaul for the shortest allowed window (usually 2-3 hrs). The wife & I do that every year for spring cleaning to get awkward / large items to our county’s hard to manage waste facility since we both drive sedans. Works a charm. I’d recommend the UHaul route though as their rental process is entirely self-service via their app / website.

Edit: I don’t disagree with your solution to make it a public service, just wanted to provide a solution for your problem at hand. I’d definitely make plans to attend the next town meeting & propose that route if I were you.