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Norls82 t1_j9x140w wrote

Genuinely no idea what you're talking about. The whole point of this article is to report on how scared people are of crime in AdMo and to accurately state rates of violent and property crimes. What specifically in this piece are you taking issue with?


Ok_Culture_3621 t1_j9x5x6g wrote

Exactly. The point of this is the gap between the data and how safe people feel in the city. And even what they were doing was citing statistics that undermine the way some folks feel about their safety that’s still not gaslighting.


NPRjunkieDC t1_j9x3a6d wrote

The piece on Adam's Morgan explains the crimes against several businesses. The title itself was how residents feel less safe because of the spike in crimes .

It also mentions the meeting attended by a few hundred residents.

But they show the opinion of others who don't feel unsafe.

They aren't ignoring crimes that happened. Most have been against businesses + stolen packages from buildings.


OrtizDupri t1_j9x0c82 wrote

if you want to talk about crime, just use this subreddit like seemingly every post every day does, don’t need another platform for that


hivoltage815 t1_j9ykdgx wrote

If anything I am feeling gaslit that this sub thinks DC is a post-apocalyptic hell scape when my urban lifestyle is generally lovely.


Unicide t1_j9xabp0 wrote

Did you read the article?


NorseTikiBar t1_j9x0ivt wrote

Nah, crime post trolls just won't accept anything less than stating that DC is going to hell in a handbasket, facts be damned.


xanadumuse t1_j9y5tmj wrote

I believe we have entered into a realm where people are becoming more and more likely to become paranoid from reading too much. You’re seeing it all over. Isolating yourself, doom scrolling while being bombarded by negative posts. It really does create anxiety and fear in people and they probably don’t realize it. People literally need to go outside and take some deep breaths and detach from social media.


howlin_hank t1_j9y890u wrote

This!!! I lived in Recife, Brazil for many years and crime there is pretty high. Basically you had to make the choice of either hyperventilating into a paper bag about it or just going outside and living. It didn’t help that there were loads of sensationalist TV shows about crime and whatnot


xanadumuse t1_j9y93zc wrote

Without trying to diminish people’s fear( because yes,crime does exist), social media portrays it in a vacuum. Our minds just go down a rabbit hole. I’ve talked to a few friends who suffer more from anxiety. I swear it’s social media. It serves its purpose to inform but also creates a type of hypnotism - ( I see you FB algorithms).


howlin_hank t1_j9yq9y4 wrote

100% I mean the thought of being robbed at gunpoint, potentially shot and who knows what else is terrifying. Being in a life or death situation that you have almost no control over is really scary and I know that because I’m scared of flying. I guess the thing is what do you DO with that fear?


xanadumuse t1_ja4mfge wrote

There are professionals who can treat anxieties. I think a small dose of exposure to whatever the fear is will help. People who constantly stay at home and just doom scroll would benefit from interaction with the outside world more. They’ll slowly associate that with something positive. They’ll probably see that going outside doesn’t pose an immediate threat.


BansheeLoveTriangle t1_j9xxahi wrote

They won’t rest until there’s a cop on every block


thegrumpycarp t1_j9y4qzv wrote

Or a member of the national guard! But totally not a police state.

(This was a suggestion made in another hand-wringing post)


CandlesAnonymous t1_j9yoqj1 wrote

Good, there should be more cops in areas with increasing crime!


CounselorNebby t1_j9ye7wc wrote

Bro you just posted a long dcist article about crime. What do you mean they don't talk about crime???


Dr_Midnight t1_ja13o0c wrote

It's giving the same energy as "WHY IS THE MEDIA NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS" from a person who then links to an article of the media doing exactly just that.


twenty-six-sixty-six t1_j9x7agg wrote

I use dcist to find things to do around the city, and it works great for that

does every platform have to focus on crime?


toorigged2fail t1_j9xm1sw wrote

Exactly. And for an outlet that doesn't focus on crime, this is an incredibly well put together, and well balanced piece.


vtsandtrooper t1_j9ybam1 wrote

OP is an account with 1 post (this one) and 3 comments, all with snarky trolling about crime in DC. Ive been seeing a lot of these crappy accounts with #### posting recently about crime. Strange. Almost as if there is a concerted and probably paid effort to continue this narrative, like Ive been saying, and people have called me tin foil and a joke. You wont learn till they take home rule. Just watch. Step one, make dc seem like a failed place.

Another four number bro just talking crime over here a couple days ago.


vtsandtrooper t1_j9ydz53 wrote

Im not saying every 4number account is associated with this. My point is, making a burner account is very easy, and there has been an uptick of these kinds of posts, trying to make it seem like the sky is falling, or people are being lied to about how much DC is like New Jack City, or whatever… its a pattern. And when you see a concerted effort like that, you have to ask, for what… who gains by this constant messaging. I used to see this in FFX underground all the time, people thought its just low iq trolls, but it was being headed up by very powerful interests in the county and outside the county like David LaRock. Look him up.


wordsmith217 t1_j9yg1e5 wrote

You’re delusional if you earnestly believe DC doesn’t have a crime problem.


vtsandtrooper t1_j9yhxjh wrote

Did i say that? I very much want police to do more in seeking out the core problem. However, that doesnt change the issue that these posts go beyond trolling, and seem to have commonalities and signs that they are a focused narrative.


wordsmith217 t1_j9yiey2 wrote

I’m sure some are trolling. But many are likely real people expressing real fears about crime in their communities. It’s not being overly dramatic as many in this sub seem to believe it is.


vtsandtrooper t1_j9yj2ku wrote

Just woke up a couple days ago to create a reddit account and post three times all about dc crime being underreported or otherwise worse than it seems. Ok. Totally normal behavior.


wordsmith217 t1_j9yjg9c wrote

I acknowledged there are probably troll accounts dedicated to pushing a narrative.


donemessedup123 t1_j9xa70j wrote

OP is a new account that is only commenting about crime. How does this post have so many upvotes? Astroturfers at it again?


EC_dwtn t1_j9y843s wrote

This post reeks of "Read the headline, but didn't read the article".


MaddingtonBear t1_j9wyt05 wrote

DCist used to be news by 20somethings for 20somethings. Now it's an arm of the local NPR affiliate (as is the sister site in New York).


rectalhorror t1_j9y5lci wrote

I’ve been reading DCist since Ryan Avent started it as an blog with sports and The Week in Jazz thrown in. It’s evolved from a wonky urbanist policy site to a local news site to a social justice/activist megaphone site, which is fine. They’re free to publish any agitprop they deem relevant, so long as you know that all roads lead to racism, gentrification, food deserts, etc. As for the crime issue, long term trends are downward, but recent trends are upward, which is why some people feel unsafe. The thing is, I grew up going to punk shows in DC in the ‘80s when the murder rate was climbing, but I never felt unsafe because most of the violent crime was localized in Wards 7 & 8. That’s no longer the case. I think DC fills the vacuum left by WaPo’s pathetic Metro coverage; their deep dive stories on the people who have been shot read like they were generated by a bot: kid with promising future dies in shootout, calls for action go unheeded, much handwringing, rinse, lather, repeat. At least DCist posts some positive stories about developments east of the river.


[deleted] OP t1_j9y9t95 wrote

Hold the phone.... Are you suggesting that veteran WaPo local news reporter Marty Weil does not deserve a Pulitzer or two for his coverage of local crimes?


Rayo77 t1_j9x3bv8 wrote

Data. How does it work? [“According to police data, both violent and property crime is down over the last seven years, compared to the seven years before, in Adams Morgan . . . “]


Professional-Can1385 t1_j9x6csz wrote

and then they write this:

>Property crime is up 36% in the area, mirroring statistics citywide. (Property crime citywide is up 33% from last year.)


vtsandtrooper t1_j9ycdp3 wrote

More four digit user name endings agreeing with each other. Nothing to see


Rayo77 t1_j9zdull wrote

Exactly. How does citing that stat support the laughable point the OP made that DCist is “gaslighting” people about crime issues?


PSUVB t1_j9xbpn4 wrote

Data says that when crime goes above the the average of the the 7 years preceding than the last 7 years we can worry about it.

Any other increase is basically irrelevant.


DCMoving17 t1_j9y26co wrote

I can’t really speak to the +/- 7 year stat that they use as the main basis, but I’ve lived in Adams Morgan for the past 5 years and to me it does feel less safe than pre-pandemic.

A bunch of recent stuff I think has put people on edge (multiple robberies, burglaries, at least one stabbing, one murder). For example, CakeRoom just got smash n grabbed just Thursday night.

I am also always skeptical on crime stats as there is a risk of underreporting (both historically and currently). It definitely seems like criminals are bolder and less fearful of consequences, especiallly for minor crimes. Maybe others share this perception (i.e., nothing will happen so why should I report it).

Call me naive or newer to DC or that the stats don’t line up with what I’m thinking - but something definitely feels off.


Udolikecake t1_j9wwjcy wrote

I mean there’s been like a dozen robberies on 18th and Columbia in the last month

the Streets has been robbed I think three times at this point, and the manager was beaten. They have a guard now. People certainly don’t feel quite as safe, and justifiably so.

I don’t feel unsafe, but the elderly woman I talked to the other day who was robbed in broad daylight may


GayRonSwanson t1_j9wztph wrote

100% agree. 10+ or so years ago, DCist was a decent local source for news, events, comments, etc.

After WAMU took over, it’s pretty shit.


DCTom t1_j9y5xtp wrote

Dunno about the article, but in the last month or so while out walking the dog in the morning I’ve personally walked by 4-5 businesses with smashed in front doors, glass still all over the sidewalk. Can’t say that it makes me feel “unsafe,” but it does piss me off. Many of them have been businesses that i frequent, and at some point they’ll just say “eff this” and not re-open. Small businesses in this area have enough challenges these days without worrying about constant break-ins.


Ainwein t1_j9xl1sr wrote

I'm too far removed from college to remember much about Thomas Friedman or what haughtiness means but if I were you I'd probably consider calling the police rather than relying on Popville for security or whatever it is you are looking to find.


Mediocre_Audience_61 t1_j9ypt4x wrote

Horrifying how nonchalant OP is about police murdering civilians. Oh and "[eyeroll], here comes the family suing MPD, and the journalists covering it". Yikes, dude, a whole fucking person was offed by the state so yeah it gets covered. A person > fucking tires.


toorigged2fail t1_j9zpqyd wrote

Torn on up/down voting this because OP's opinion/headline are trash, but it'd be nice if everyone red a well-balanced piece like this haha


IcyWillow1193 t1_j9yav15 wrote


Popville's user base is dominated by hapless urban newbies, who are unable to figure out even the most basic aspects of city life (or call 311) without turning to the internet to plead for help. So the content is tailored to that.


vtsandtrooper t1_j9ycbfd wrote

user id. Like does no one else see the fricken pattern. They arent even hiding it


DC-COVID-TRASH t1_j9xnu6h wrote

The Chief of MPD and the mayor have both made similar comments - people are feeling scared when it's not dangerous out.


CandlesAnonymous t1_j9yo8s2 wrote

I think they do fine talking about crime for the most part but I don’t appreciate how the DCist and many DC leaders dismiss property crime as “not that serious”.

It contributes to a general sense of disorder and feeling “unsafe” when you walk down the main stretch of a neighborhood and there’s boards on many windows because of vandalism and burglary.

Not to mention it’s totally disrespectful to the business owners many of whom are small business owners that depend on their stores for their livelihood.


DCJoe1970 t1_j9yg6lf wrote

He said to them, “But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.

It's a violent environment you need to protect yourself.


sowavy612 t1_j9y6mya wrote

Dc ain’t safe like it used to be that’s a fact
