
PhillyPanda t1_jdenq4z wrote

2021 looks to be an outlier in PA specifically from the last 5 years, tho still an increase (109 incidents in ‘19, 101 in ‘20, 69 in ‘21 and 114 in ‘22). Still not a good trend, the surge seemed to happen in 2017 (not surprising), and now we’re right back there.

I sincerely doubt this captures even a small fraction of actual incidents.


PhillyPanda t1_ja1rll9 wrote

For journalistic style, it should say woman, but acting like we’re suddenly non human bc we’re described by our gender is weird. I’m both female and a woman (I prefer to be called female myself but I understand I’m in the minority). I’m not suddenly an animal tho and it’s weird that’s how that’s interpreted.