PotatosAreDelicious t1_jbg1cco wrote
Reply to comment by NickRick in Does Providence have steam, what are these? by mdurg68
A subway is just an underground railroad. there are no requirements on the technology to how many stops per mile you have. Subways can also go straighter then above ground routes.
PotatosAreDelicious t1_j6nqsa7 wrote
Reply to comment by GiraffeAdditional299 in DARPA wants aircraft that can maneuver with a radically different method by Hypx
Yeah the humans will be in the carrier not in the "fighters". You cant bank off anything in space fighter planes make no sense. Most fights will happen millions of miles away from eachother anyways with sensor based fights and not dogfights.
You already see this in modern fighter jet fights. If you have visual on an enemy fighter jet its already too late. They fire missiles from so far away.
PotatosAreDelicious t1_ir1p4vx wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in waterfire first date…yay or nay by stinkylover77
Yeah it makes everyone feel better and more relaxed if the first date has an easy exit and low commitment.
PotatosAreDelicious t1_jbg1wwl wrote
Reply to comment by newbiePVD in Does Providence have steam, what are these? by mdurg68
You realize there are plenty of tunnels that go under the ocean/bay right?