
Reddit_in_her_voice t1_j6knp8s wrote

I also think there's a fair case for self defense just in the two videos. Repeated blows to the head immediately following a brain injury are without question potentially deadly.

Of course we'll wait and see what happens when more evidence comes out. But notable that the reaction to this event on Reddit is virtually identical to the reaction to the Rittenhouse case and he walked away with five not guilty verdicts and zero guilty verdicts.

I've also seen a lot of ignorance about both firearms and the law. Such as people claiming a one second draw is not possible unless one's hand is already on the gun and that there is some legal duty to retreat in this state.

Edit ignorance even in this very thread where a now deleted comment argues that size is a conclusive factor and that there is some kind of legal duty to engage in fisticuffs when attacked.