
t1_ixzi02n wrote

Freedom dude. It's about the freedom. No landlords, no mortgages, and if you don't like your neighbors you can just haul up your anchor and go someplace else. When you live on a boat you have a level of independence and self-sufficiency that's almost impossible to achieve any other way. If the power grid goes down I'll be the only guy in town who will have power once the generators run out of gas, assuming the grid going down is not caused by a nuclear weapon being detonated in the atmosphere of course. That being said, my electrical system absolutely would survive an EMP caused by solar storms. I don't have to worry about unwanted people knocking at my door, solicitors aren't going to paddle out here to try and get me to join their religion or vote for their candidate. My plan was actually to avoid winter all together by heading to florida until spring then sail back North to avoid hurricane season, but my mast was damaged so that plan will have to wait until next year unfortunately, even if I were able to get my mast repaired tomorrow I missed the window for good sea conditions and my vessel is not really big enough to handle the North Atlantic in winter conditions safely, not with my level of sailing experience anyway.

TL;DR I'm basically an antisocial hermit who lives in the middle of the wilderness, but since I'm on a boat instead of in the middle of the National Forest I get all the benefits of being a hermit in the wilderness while having most of the comforts of a normal home. I won't lie though, heat is a bit of an issue.


t1_ixq7weg wrote

I'm aware of what you posted, your confusion stems from the fact that you appear to be unaware that your post was a complete non sequitur. I'm talking about people, not parties. If you think party platforms are an accurate reflection of what people who support that party actually believe, or even an accurate reflection of the beliefs and actions of the politicians in that party, then you haven't been paying attention.

But let's talk about parties. 20 years ago the Democrat Party was not opposed to freedom of speech. Now they are. You don't get to be opposed to the most basic of all human rights, the very underpinning of liberalism, and pretend that you're a liberal.


t1_ixpz67t wrote

Actually yeah, I soap up with seawater and rinse with fresh water. At the moment I'm on a river because it's sheltered, but I'm only about a mile upriver from Portsmouth harbor, so it's tidal and saltwater. "I feel like I want to watch a movie about your life" lol funny you say that, I was going to start a YouTube channel documenting my life and travels but since I got stuck up here for the winter due to my mast being damaged I haven't done so yet because I'm as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean. I can move with my backup electric motor (my gas motor was damaged at the same time as my mast) but the range is limited by my power capacity, it would really blow if I ran out of juice someplace not suitable for anchoring.


t1_ixnhbbq wrote

I live on a boat and don't have a water maker so I'm careful to conserve water because I need to go ashore to resupply which isn't always possible depending on tide and weather conditions. That being said, between myself and two cats I typically go through about a gallon a day on days when I don't need to use any for things like cleaning or engine maintenance. That's just for drinking water and coffee, so it's fair to assume somebody in a house with readily available water would go through significantly more.


t1_iwogxol wrote

  1. It's not my party, the fact that you assume it is just because you disagree with me is a big red flag that you have tumbled down the rabbit hole of extremism. Seek help before you become a danger to yourself in those around you.
  2. Your assessment is completely delusional and is one that could only be made by somebody who is either dishonest or simply doesn't read the news. Run along and get educated.

t1_iwmf6u4 wrote

I love it how I keep calling you out for assuming I'm talking about something I'm not, and you just can't help but continuing to do exactly that every single time 🤣 Go get yourself educated on current events before you try discussing political issues, you are not currently equipped to have grown up conversations. Take care, and thank you once again for conceding the argument by refusing to operate in good faith.


t1_iwmcrxr wrote

You're confused. What's happening here is that you think I'm talking about voter fraud when in reality what I'm talking about is totally legal in the places where it's happening, at least for the most part. You think I'm talking about something completely different than what I'm actually talking about because you don't read the news, so in your ignorance you are making baseless assumptions. How embarrassing for you.