
Remoru t1_iy4izau wrote

I think her lack of amusement was more of a "my mother has never cared for toilet humor and especially didn't care for her teen son laughing uncontrollably in a public space" thing. My recall of an event that happened about thirty years ago may be imperfect but I'm fairly certain the old man in question was fully aware of what he was doing, he just didn't give a shit about the noise he was making. I'm not certain how old you are but I'm finding that as I age, I'm similarly having less shits to give about certain etiquette protocols. That said, yeah: poverty is a serious issue and we should collectively do a better job of supporting each other.


Remoru t1_iy2ezk7 wrote

I was also a teen in the early nineties. One time I was at a craft store with my mom and I heard these loud noises from the next aisle over, sounded kinda like someone was scootching a big shelf so, being curious, I went to look: there was just an old man standing there releasing a symphony of ham blasts the likes of which I've never heard before or since. I damn near collapse in laughter, go back to my aisle and tell my mom what was happening: she was not amused.