
Renaissance_Slacker t1_j9tiwta wrote

You’re 100% correct, there’s plenty of hard unmoving objects that necessitate ski helmets. When I was in my 20’s I hit an ice patch while skiing and went into a tree sideways, hitting so hard I almost severed my quadriceps without breaking the skin. A ski patrol saw the incident and assumed my leg was broken, they were dumbfounded when I stood up, waved them off and skiied away. It wasn’t until the next day when I got out of bed and face-planted that I realized how bad it was. Was on crutches for over a year. Helmets, kids.


Renaissance_Slacker t1_j0l75vq wrote

No, seriously, their newer VR gear watches your eyes, what you look at in a scene and for how long, your pupil dilation… Meta could learn a lot about you by recording and processing this. For instance, there’s a scene of a young family. Do you look at the man, or the woman? Which parts? Or, god forbid, a child? See?


Renaissance_Slacker t1_j0i9xdl wrote

I remember two brothers (Indonesian IIRC) started their own company making computer memory and eventually sold it for $200 million. They split half the proceeds and awarded the other half to their employees based on years of service. They seemed baffled why anyone would do differently since it was the employees that made the company possible.