SSPeteCarroll t1_jee9wdh wrote
Reply to comment by lemonartichoke in Another glowy sunrise Daily by Jon_hamm_wallet
I’m going to Cup Sunday but did go to all 3 back in august last year! It’ll be a fun weekend for sure and those Mod drivers get a bit of the spotlight. They’re some hardworking folks.
SSPeteCarroll t1_jee8l11 wrote
Reply to Another glowy sunrise Daily by Jon_hamm_wallet
Modified race tonight at 7! If most of y’all hear loud noises, that’s probably what it is
SSPeteCarroll t1_j6i7b58 wrote
Reply to comment by Imheretosnoopatcats in Happily cold and rainy Mondaily. by Swrdmn
Really play both parts 1 and 2. I played them last year after not having a playstation for over 12 years and I'm mad at myself that I waited this long.
SSPeteCarroll t1_j1t0q41 wrote
Reply to comment by thefugginhanz in Relic found over the holidays by Mentatminds
Basically a $70 ticket today
SSPeteCarroll t1_iy8ijb7 wrote
SSPeteCarroll t1_iy217p8 wrote
Reply to comment by Schtip in Bars, restaurants and cafes that are nicely decorated for Christmas? by Astronaut-Ordinary
Was in there Monday for the USA game. They are decorated with lights and what not all over.
SSPeteCarroll t1_iuii4s2 wrote
Reply to comment by idlecrush in Happy Mondaily-oween! by TheRiverRam
Denny drove a perfect race yesterday too. Won both stages, led the most laps. His crew let him down on those last 3 stops.
I just have a feeling Logano wins it Sunday.
SSPeteCarroll t1_iuhvtg6 wrote
Reply to comment by bettygreatwhite in Happy Mondaily-oween! by TheRiverRam
I got mine Thursday. Fair warning I felt like trash from the time I got up until about 8 PM on Friday. Tired, not really hungry, and I was super irritable for about 4 hours.
SSPeteCarroll t1_iuhvni5 wrote
Reply to Happy Mondaily-oween! by TheRiverRam
Martinsville was INSANE yesterday. I have never seen a move like that pulled off and actually work in my 23 years watching motorsport.
I also ate like 7 hot dogs so that was fun.
Excited for the NASCAR championship Sunday.
SSPeteCarroll t1_iu4q5cu wrote
Reply to comment by Vajama77 in Fridaily by donteatmydog
One of my favorite tracks and places on the schedule. Has such a good old school vibe there.
SSPeteCarroll t1_iu4dawg wrote
Reply to Fridaily by donteatmydog
Heading to Martinsville Sunday for the NASCAR race. Hot dogs and fast cars. Should be lots of fun!
SSPeteCarroll t1_iu4d80d wrote
Reply to comment by ZephyrInfernum in Fridaily by donteatmydog
Keep an eye on the NASCAR race from Martinsville Sunday too if you want some more vroom vroom. Championship is still up for grabs there.
SSPeteCarroll t1_iu4d2h6 wrote
Reply to comment by 10000Didgeridoos in Fridaily by donteatmydog
SSPeteCarroll t1_isfpx69 wrote
Reply to The Saturday Daily Thread by fusion260
Kickers tonight! Will be watching from the couch but wishing I was at City stadium
Up the Roos!
SSPeteCarroll t1_jeecu6d wrote
Reply to comment by lemonartichoke in Another glowy sunrise Daily by Jon_hamm_wallet
I’ll be pulling for DH, bubba, and Noah. I like Toyota guys a lot too.
Xfinity side is wide open. Austin Hill has been really good, John hunter is fast too, still waiting for Custer to break out though