SWATSgradyBABY t1_j4l39h3 wrote

This is what I have been saying in here for years. People think tech is going to be liberating without them having to do anything.


We've had more than enough technological advances in the past 50 years for us to all be working 10 hour weeks and making more money than we do now. But the capitalists that frankly are worshipped in this sub invent new ways to keep us enslaved. Of course their fanboys would never call their enslavement what it is. Just another market force as far as they are concerned.


SWATSgradyBABY t1_iy6i0ry wrote

There will be upheaval beyond what any American younger than 80 has ever seen. But the chaos will be from workers fighting for socialism while the media will be giving a false narrative designed to gin up support for UBI.

The hope of the elite will be to stay in control via some form of oligarchy disguised as representative govt. They will use UBI to do this. Workers will be fighting for socialism. It will be violent.


SWATSgradyBABY t1_itvz8jb wrote


SWATSgradyBABY t1_itvww8f wrote

Imagine a game of musical chairs where there are 10 chairs and 11 people playing. Someone gets rid of 3 of the chairs. Now you have 11 people and 7 chairs. The game becomes much harder without getting rid of anywhere near all of the chairs.

I often hear the opinion that there will be no labor issue because AI won't get rid of ALL the jobs. Per the above example, AI won't need to replace all the jobs to make life hell in our system as it is currently organized. The jobs remaining will be highly competitive which means they will also all see a decrease in pay as the applicants will be through the roof. Having an AI proof job will mean having a low wage job because everyone will be lining up to train for it and apply.


SWATSgradyBABY t1_itvw7u3 wrote

There is no profit incentive to getting rid of chess players. This is not a good example for that reason. There will be a good reason for hospitals to get rid of radiologists if software can perform the job as well or better. The software can be licensed at a rate probably 1/100th the cost of a human radiologist with his/her retirement account, healthcare, dental, vision plan and plenty of other benefits. There is no incentive to get rid of chess players.