
SchokoKipferl t1_ja9u7wn wrote

They had an event at the Chinese embassy not so long ago and I think it was definitely worth it only because that embassy is seemingly never open to the public. Also it’s quite a spacious embassy and so there was plenty of room for food, tea, calligraphy, propaganda, etc.


SchokoKipferl t1_j72m50g wrote

“Unfairly given”? As of now the homeless are being “unfairly given” complete use of public parks, with the privilege to harrass and assault passersby as much as they like. I think most people would be thrilled to have their community park back in exchange, and it’s honestly not a bad solution seeing as it could keep the people together and provide a distribution point for food/supplies. Maybe somewhere further out where there is more space for them and isn’t so cramped. Obviously providing them with housing is the better option but if some people refuse it then it’s better than the exisiting approach.