
SeasonalBlackout t1_jbq5ets wrote

I had a friend who graduated from Umass Amherst, but mid way through got so hopped up on drugs and alcohol that he assaulted several people outside at an event including a campus cop who was trying to get him under control, got arrested (obv) and kicked out of campus housing and ended up in court-ordered rehab before he got his shit back together. They still let him finish his degree and attend classes but he had to live off campus.


SeasonalBlackout t1_j5ltma4 wrote

I live a little further out (Athol, Orange) and I'll add - we have fantastic mountain biking out here. Also a LOT of disc golf courses. Fitchburg is home to 978 disc golf - the only DG store in the area, and Coggshall Disc Golf Course is close by. It's a lot of fun and good way to meet local active people of all ages.


SeasonalBlackout t1_ixjx3vw wrote

Reply to Mice! by notme6197

I live in a duplex and my landlady on the other side has had a bunch of mice. She said she's catching 2 or 3 a day.

I have a cat and his favorite thing to do is slowly decapitate mice, so I don't have any mice.